flair Library

Broaden Your HR Horizon

Our selection of downloads includes helpful guides, checklists, and more resources on important HR and recruiting topics.

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Helping Teams Work Together
As more employees work remotely and workplaces become increasingly digital, HR teams need to rethink company culture and look for new ways to collaborate.
7 Tips To Reduce Employee Turnover
A higher employee retention rate helps keep top talents in your organization for longer and saves recruiting and training costs. In this guide, you'll learn seven ways to reduce your turnover rate.
Mandatory Time Tracking
Use our Software to implement the EU Guideline on obligatory time tracking.
7 Reasons to Bring HR to Salesforce
Salesforce is the #1 CRM tool on the market and provides a trusted framework that helps you manage your processes and people – in one single location. Regardless of your current HR solution, it might be the easiest, safest, and most powerful way of creating an outstanding employee experience.
Enhance the Employee Experience
A great employee experience differentiates your company from the competition and can give you the edge in the search for talent.

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