31 March 2023

How flair Helps Blue Road Academy Onboard Faster





Performance Management

Paving a Road to the Salesforce Community

The community around Salesforce is known for being supportive. And there are few better examples of this spirit than Blue Road Academy. Formerly known as RefugeeForce, the Amsterdam-based startup is on a mission to advance the careers of newcomers – i.e. refugees and asylum seekers – in the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden.

Blue Road Academy was founded in 2018 and has a small full-time team of seven people. But to widen its impact, the organization works with Salesforce consultants, coaches, and recruitment partners. “The whole point is training with the goal of employment,” says Marketing Director Leán Muller. “That’s why we work with recruitment partners: We want to make sure that, at the end of the program, our participants have contacts and potential jobs.”

235+ graduates

Blue Road Academy has helped 235 people and counting to get Salesforce-certified and launch their careers.

Upon completing the core six-week training program, participants will take part in exams to gain Salesforce Associate and Salesforce Admin certification. They are also introduced to a network of Salesforce partners, customers, and employers, setting them up well to build new lives in their host countries.

Our programs are focused on finding that first Salesforce job. So we also work on their soft skills and presentation skills. We help them work on their CVs, and we do mock interviews to prepare them for that stage.

Leán Muller

Marketing Director

Up-and-Running in Just 3 Weeks

Since the very start, Blue Road Academy has been using flair to manage its core HR processes. As two companies within the Salesforce ecosystem, it’s a great match. Blue Road Academy stores its HR data in Salesforce, and all members of staff use the Employee Hub to request absences, manage documents, and take part in performance reviews.

We were up and running after 2-3 weeks with the major functionality we needed. It's a very dynamic and comprehensive platform so we are constantly discovering new ways to use it and new features.

Gaspar Rodriguez

Cofounder & Managing Director

As a small organization, Blue Road Academy does not have an HR team. This makes it especially important to have a self-service solution that minimizes HR work. “The fact that flair is self-service certainly saves us time,” says Leán. “If I need to request sick leave or change my personal details, I can do that myself. It’s really user-friendly.”

Blue Road Academy also uses flair’s Career Page feature to advertise jobs on its website. Once an applicant applies for a job, they are added to Salesforce as a candidate, where they can be assessed using evaluation templates. This creates a repeatable hiring process that’s more efficient.

What’s more, Blue Road Academy can now onboard new employees faster. Using flair’s automated workflows, the organization can set up a consistent onboarding journey for all new employees and get them up to speed in no time.

Blue Road Academy Salesforce certification class

In a startup, you have lots to do and little time. It’s pretty amazing that, given our small team, flair means we are able to manage absences, goals, recruitment, onboarding, performance reviews, and more. It’s super easy to use and it’s all in one place!

Leán Muller

Marketing Director

Simplified HR, 100% Salesforce Integrated

Blue Road Academy has ambitious goals for the future. Cofounder and Managing Director Gaspar Rodriquez says, “After four years, we now know what works and who will be successful in our program. We have been gradually picking up speed and are now ready to start flying towards our 10,000 participants target by 2030.”

flair aims to support Blue Road Academy on this journey by continuing to optimize the organization’s recruitment and onboarding processes. Summarizing Blue Road Academy’s collaboration with flair, Gaspar says: “I can confidently say that we are now able to scale up geographically and hire faster than ever before!”

We’re really proud to be supporting Blue Road Academy on its commendable mission. If you’d like to find out more about their work, visit the Blue Road Academy website.

As a small start-up, we benefit tremendously from having all our HR data in Salesforce. This allows us to onboard employees faster, set goals and manage performance reviews easily, and run our job recruitment in a standardized way with just a few clicks!

Gaspar Rodriguez

Cofounder & Managing Director

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