
Make your first impression count. You can use flair to create a consistent and automated onboarding experience. Learn how to quickly bring new hires up to speed and improve employee retention.

Learn How To Give Your New Hires the Best Start

SalesforceEmployee HubWorkflowsDocuments

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A workflow is a series of tasks that you can assign to an employee. Workflows are an effective way to make recurring processes more efficient and consistent.

One good example of where you might use a workflow template is for onboarding. By setting up a workflow template for onboarding, new hires are automatically assigned a list of tasks to complete to help them familiarize themselves with their new company and role.

How To Create a Workflow Template
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  • To start using workflows using flair, open the flair HR app and click on the Workflows section in the navigation bar
  • Here you will see an Overview of any workflows your organization has assigned
  • To create a new workflow, click on the Workflows Templates tab and then select New Workflow Template
  • Give your template a name and select which type of workflow you want to create. Click Save to create your template.
Create workflow templates in the flair HR app on Salesforce

Adding Tasks to Workflow Templates
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Once you have created your template, it’s time to start adding tasks to it. Click on your newly created template and then select New Item to create your first task. Enter the name of the task and select who is responsible.

This can either be the person to whom the workflow is assigned, their manager or performance manager, or another employee or team of your choice. Check the Hide From Assignee box for tasks that the assignee is not involved in.

Choose different kinds of tasks to add to a workflow

You can create different types of workflow items:

  • To-do Request: A task to be completed, e.g. “Write a message to your new team on Slack”.
  • File Request: For when a file or document needs to be uploaded, e.g. “Sign and upload work contract”. You will need to define the document’s Category and File Format.
  • Data Request: For when you require information, e.g. “Enter bank details”. You can define data Fields for this item type.
  • Cycle Assignment: A task that is related to a specific Cycle, e.g. “Review quarterly OKRs”.
  • Evaluation Request: An evaluation to be completed, e.g. “Evaluate new candidates”. Learn more about how to create evaluation templates.
  • Video Request: Request that employees upload and share a video. For example, you could ask new starters to share a short introduction video of themselves, or ask an experienced staff member to record a video tutorial that can be shared with the rest of the team.

Now you can set a deadline. If you selected Onboarding or Offboarding as your template Type, you will have the option to relate the deadline to the assignee’s first or last day of work.

Finally, write a description of the task, upload any relevant files, and click Save.

Adding Videos To Workflows
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Sometimes it’s easier to show someone a process rather than explain it in writing. In cases like this, videos can be a great informational format.

There are two ways to add a video to a workflow item. Firstly, you can attach a video file in the Attachments section at the bottom of a new workflow item.

Alternatively, you can embed a Loom video. Loom is a video messaging tool that allows you to record your screen and voice and share the video with others. Simply record your video using Loom, and then paste the sharing link into the Instructions Loom URL field. Once you assign the workflow to an employee, your video will be embedded in the workflow item in the Employee Hub.

How To Assign Workflows
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Now that you’ve created your first workflows, it’s time to assign them to people. To do this, open the Workflows section of your flair HR app and choose a workflow you want to assign.

Assign onboarding workflows to new hires

From the Overview tab, click Assign Workflows. Then choose a Workflow Template and select all the employees to whom you would like to assign the workflow. Click Save to complete and your assignees will appear in the Overview.

In the Overview, you can also see the Due Date of the next workflow item and track the Progress the assignee has made.

Automatic Reminders
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When a deadline is approaching, an employee will receive a reminder 3 days, 2 days and 1 day before the deadline approaches. As an HR manager, this feature allows you to complete workflows in time and with ease.

Completing Missing Data
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If you see an orange warning icon, then your workflow may be missing some essential information. To solve this, click the arrow next to the warning icon and select Edit. You will then see all workflow items. If you see the message Missing Manager under Responsible, then you will need to add a Responsible person for this item.

Click the arrow next to the item and select Edit. Then you can add a Responsible Employee and the warning icon will disappear.

Creating a job by adding basic information, job description, and requirements

Completing Workflows in the Hub
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When you assign a workflow to an employee, they will be able to see an overview of their tasks in the flair Employee Hub.

As a first step, make sure you have enabled the Employee Hub in the flair HR app. You can do this by visiting the Home page and checking the Setup Assistant. From there, you can also invite employees to the Hub.

Your assignees must also have a Company Email address. You can add this in the Employees section of the flair HR app.

After completing the setup, your assignees will receive an email notification whenever you assign a workflow to them. Clicking the link in this email will take them to Workflows in their Employee Hub and show them a list of tasks to complete.

The employee can see the Due Date and update the Status of each task as they make progress.

An overview of onboarding tasks in the flair Employee Hub

Commenting on Workflows
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Our comments feature on the Employee Hub enables open and clear dialogue about workflows. Have a question for a colleague? Want to double-check a request? You can comment directly on the topic in the Workflows section.

Simply select the relevant Workflow. Clicking on the Task will reveal an area designated for Comments. Next, click on the Comments tab and start the conversation. This messaging feature also allows users to send documents, images, emojis, and web links.

An overview of onboarding tasks in the flair Employee Hub

Offboarding Employees
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When an employee leaves your company, there are a few admin tasks you need to perform to ensure a smooth exit, including calculating remaining absence days and pro-rata salary. We’ll show you what steps you need to take in the flair HR app to make sure employees can leave without a hitch.

Add End Date to Employee Record
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The first step is to go to the leaving employee’s record in the flair HR app. In the Contract section, fill in the End Date field and click Save.

Add end date to employee record

Set Workload End Date
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Next, you need to add an End Date to the employee’s workload. To do this, open the Time and Workload tab in the employee’s record, click the down arrow ▼ next to their workload, and click Edit.

Set workload end date

Fill in the End Date field and then Save.

Set workload end date

Set End Date for Vacation Policy
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Next, to ensure that remaining vacation days are calculated correctly, navigate to the Absence Categories box on the right-hand side of the employee’s record. Click on an active absence category, e.g. Vacation. Select the Assigned Polices tab and edit the End Date to the last day of the employee’s contract.

If you need to calculate remaining absences for more than one limited absence category – for example, if you have multiple vacation policies assigned to the leaving employee – then you will need to set an end date for each absence category.

Calculate remaining vacation days

Add End Date to Salary
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Finally, navigate to the Salary tab on the employee’s record. Click the down arrow ▼ next to any Employee Salaries or Recurring Compensations to add an End Date. This is important if an employee is leaving in the middle of a payment period (for example the 15th of a month) as it means that the salary can be calculated pro rata.

Calculate pro-rate salary for leaving employees
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