Performance & Goals

Setting goals and tracking performance are crucial to a company's success. Using flair, you can keep track of progress and measure it against your company, team, and individual objectives.

Learn About Performance & Goals


How To Set Up a Feedback Cycle
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Constructive reviews are incredibly important. Feedback cycles involving employees allow companies to develop more coordinated and collaborative goals and objectives. For this, you need to have specific questionnaires and surveys to help you gather important internal information.

You can start creating feedback cycles in the flair HR app under the Engagement tab, where you can click on New Feedback Cycle.

Setting up feedback cycles in the flair HR app in Salesforce

Here you can add and define several fields:

  • Name
  • Deadline
  • Introduction Text: Description
  • Without Reviewer: Ticking this box allows you to create a survey
  • Manage Goals: If this box is ticked, a manager can oversee the goals related to this feedback cycle
  • Meeting Required: An employee and manager can facilitate a 1:1 call if this box is selected
  • Signature Required: By ticking this box, to complete the cycle both parties will be required to sign their name via the Employee Hub
  • Let reviewer see questions not required: Ticking this box enables the reviewer to only see questions designated for the employee

Next, you can click on Create. Now your cycle is in draft mode. There are two actions you need to take to finalize the feedback cycle.

To start designing your performance review and adding questions, click on the Assessment tab. Here, you can select Add a Section to get started. For each question you create, you can choose a question type, such as multiple-choice, single-choice, or scorecard questions.

Using the Participants tab, you can add employees to your feedback cycle. You can choose any number of employees to take part.

Finally, choose the default reviewer and click Publish. Employees will then be notified by email. It’s important to note that once your cycle is active, you won’t be able to modify its features.

How To Edit or Delete Performance Review Questions
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A feedback cycle can have four different states:

  1. Setup: A draft mode that allows you to make changes to questions
  2. Publishing: The feedback cycle has been created but is not yet active
  3. In Progress: Employees and managers can start answering the review questions
  4. Finished: The cycle is closed and changes are restricted

You can only make changes to the questions in a feedback cycle if the feedback cycle is in the Setup state. If you need to make a change, you can revert the cycle to Setup by clicking the pencil icon next to the feedback cycle and selecting Setup.

If the review forms have already been created (and the status of the feedback cycle is Publishing, In Progress, or Finished) then those forms will not be updated with your changes. But if you add new employees to the review, they will receive the updated questions.

When your feedback cycle is in Setup mode, you can remove questions. Simply click the trashcan icon to the right of the question. Please note, the changes will be applied immediately – you will not be asked to confirm the deletion.

Remove questions from a feedback assessment

Answering Assessments
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Assessments are a good way to get feedback and track progress. Using flair, managers can assess employees in their team, while employees also have the chance to fill in a self-assessment to reflect on their performance during the current feedback cycle. Here’s how it works.

Completing Your Self-Evaluation
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Every once in a while, your manager will want you to submit a form of self-evaluation. You can do this easily via the Employee Hub.

In your Employee Hub, you’ll see a notification on your dashboard that you have a Performance Review to do. When you click on it, it’ll take you to your Reviews page, where you can see the review request.

Click on Start Self-evaluation. This will direct you to a prepared form, where you can start filling out the desired fields and then click Submit.

After submitting the evaluation, you can go back and modify your answers if you have not yet had a meeting with your manager to discuss the evaluation.

Complete your self-evaluation in the flair Employee Hub

Managing Employee Assessments
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Once employees have completed their self-evaluations, as a manager, you’ll need to review them and schedule meetings. Here’s a quick guide to managing that process:

Scheduling Employee Assessments
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In your Manager dashboard on the Employee Hub, you’ll see pending reviews on the right side. Click on Go there. It’ll redirect you to your Reviews page, where you can either review employees or yourself.

When reviewing an employee, click on Start review. You’ll be redirected to a performance review form prepared in Salesforce. While filling out the review form, you’ll see on the right that you can also schedule an assessment Meeting with the respective employee and manage their Goals.

Managers can review employee performance in the Employee Hub

Compare Feedback
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On the Assessments page, managers can see their review input and that of the employee. Using this page, you can compare responses to a review and add resolutions underneath the performance questions.

Managers can review employee performance in the Employee Hub

Feedback Cycle Outcomes
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As an HR manager, you’ll need a clear overview of ongoing feedback outcomes for employees and managers alike. View answers and outcomes, and take actions based on them. See below how to start reviewing feedback cycles.

Reviewing Feedback Cycles in Salesforce
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In flair HR in Salesforce, under Feedback Cycles, you can see the Participants tab and their statuses. If you click on the Magnifying Glass icon, you’ll see the questions that have been discussed by both the employee and manager.

A color code indicates how well the employee and manager are aligned in the feedback cycle. For example, if the employee and manager feedback answers are similar, a green Outstanding rate will display. A poor alignment will be shown in red.

Getting Acquainted With Goals
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Goals are crucial for every individual in a company. They help improve motivation, productivity, and growth. That’s why no matter your job position, our Goals feature is a perfect way to put you on the road to success. To get started on planning goals, read the short guide below:

Overview of Goals
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In flair HR under the Engagement page, you’ll find the Goals tab. This tab allows you to oversee goals created for your company or employees. To add a goal, simply select New Goal.

There are three different types of goals:

  1. Company goals: These are aspirations for the company. They can only be created by HR managers in Salesforce.
  2. Team goals: Create objectives for a specific department or team. They are created by managers and HR alike in the Employee Hub and Salesforce.
  3. Individual goals: Short or long-term goals that apply to your work. They can be created by employees, managers, and HR in the Employee Hub and Salesforce.

How To Start Creating Goals
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Now that you know how the feature works, let’s start creating concrete goals.

Managers can review employee performance in the Employee Hub

Creating Goals in flair HR
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In Salesforce under the Engagement page, go to the Goals section and click on New Goal. Select the type of goal you want and define its status such as On track.

After, you can assign managers or employees. The goals creation section also allows you to define the time period, the metrics, and the visibility preferences of your goal.

It’s important to note that defining a time period is mandatory. By clicking Next, you can add a title and a description of the goal. Before saving, you’ll see a review of all the information you entered.

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