
The flair Recruiting app on Salesforce provides all the features you need to find, attract, and hire the best talent. Find out how to unlock the app's full potential in this comprehensive guide.

Find Top Talent and Refine Recruitment With flair


Career Portals
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The career portal is the most important tool for advertising your open positions and hiring people for your organization. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find out how to set up your careers page in the flair Recruiting app on Salesforce.

An example of the components in a flair career page

How To Set Up Your Career Portal
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To get started, open the flair Recruiting app in Salesforce. From the Home page, you can either:

  • Use the shortcut in your Setup Assistant by clicking Go to Settings, or
  • Click on the Career Portals Setup tab in the top navigation bar

Once you’re on the Career Portals Setup, click Create.

The intro screen in the Career Portal Setup

To get started, you’ll need to pick a name and a slug for your career portal. The slug is a unique identifier that will appear in the URL of your new career portal.

It must be all lowercase and contain no special characters or spaces. Spaces will automatically be replaced by a hyphen.

For example, if you give your career portal the slug “flair Demos”, your URL will be When you enter your slug, our app will check whether the URL is available.

Click Create to reserve the URL and open the career portal builder.

Choose a name and slug for your new career portal

Now you will see the career portal builder. There are four tabs on this page. We’ll take you through each of them.

Layout and Appearance
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Customizing the layout and appearance of your career portal

The Layout & Appearance tab is where you create the design and content of your page. In the middle of the page, you will see a preview of your career portal’s design. On the left, each card or component of your careers page will be listed. You can hide components by clicking the eye symbol or edit them by clicking the pencil icon.

To remove a card entirely, click the trashcan icon. You can also rearrange the components by clicking and dragging the dots to the left of the card name.

By default, your career page will have four cards:

  • Hero Card: This is the eye-catcher of your careers page. The card contains a title, subheading, description text, three images, and a Company Highlights section for quick facts and figures.
An example of a Hero card with three images and three company highlights

Open Positions Card: This card displays the open positions from the Jobs section of your flair Recruiting app. You can add a title and description to the card, choose to group the jobs by department or location, and decide how many positions appear per page. To select which jobs appear here, use the Segmentation tab.

How your Open Positions card will appear on your careers portal, including a search bar and filters

Perks & Benefits Card: Show potential applicants what they can look forward to. With this card, you add as many company benefits as you like. Choose an icon, give the perk a name, and write a short description.

With the Perks & Benefits card, you can show up to three items at a time – others can be viewed by clicking the arrows

Our Team Card: Give your company a face. Using the Our Team card, you can add photos of team members with a short caption, so candidates know who their future colleagues might be.

How you can use the Our Team card to introduce candidates to their future colleagues

These four cards are just an example to help you get started. By clicking Add New Section, you can choose from a variety of other cards. Get creative and make your career portal your own!

Add a new section to your career page

Customizing Job Description Pages
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In addition to your career portal home page, you can also customize what job pages look like. From the menu on the left, click on Job Description Page to see a preview of how your open positions will look. There are two default cards: “Job Header” and “Job Details and Application”. These cards are mandatory and will always appear at the top of your job description. However, you can add whichever new sections you need below.

An example of how a job description page can look

Career Portal Details
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The second tab in Career Portals Setup is called Details, and this is where can define the core features of your career page, including:

  • Basic company information
  • Company logo
  • Brand color
  • Default language
  • Your About Us text
  • Links to your company’s website, social media, and privacy policy
  • The message that applicants receive when submitted their application

Defining Fields for Your Career Portal
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To define which information you would like your applicants to share when applying for a job, open the Fields tab in Career Portal Setup. Here you’ll find the different fields you can use on your career page to collect info on your applicants. This includes cover letters, earliest start date, and salary expectations.

You can choose whether a field is mandatory or optional, and turn off any fields that you don’t want to display. You can also rearrange the fields.

If you want to add a new file upload field:

  • Click on Add New File Field
  • Define its label
  • Add a description
  • Select whether you want it to be mandatory or optional

If you require candidate information that is not covered by any of these fields, you can create custom fields and picklists in Salesforce Setup. Visit our Developer Hub for a how-to guide.

Choose which information is required from applicants on your career page

Editing Fields for a Specific Job
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It’s also possible to change your career page application fields from the Jobs tab in the flair Recruiting app. Go to the Jobs section, select the job you want to edit, and then select Fields to change the information you require from applicants.

Edit required information for each specific job

Choosing Which Jobs To Display
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If you want to adjust which jobs appear in the Open Positions card on your career portal, open the Segmentation tab in Career Portals Setup.

Here, you can click Add Segment to add all jobs from a specific location or department.

Alternatively, you can click Add a Specific Job to add jobs individually. This feature is useful if you have multiple career portals for different regions and/or teams.

An example of how to add jobs to your career portal based on office location

How To Track Candidate Sources
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Once your career page is ready to go, you’re going to want to know where your candidates are coming from. By adding a simple tag to the end of the page URL, you can track application sources to see how candidates are finding your job posts. Here’s how it works.

  1. Take the career page URL that you defined in Career Page Settings. For example: If you want to track candidates for a specific job posting, then take the URL for the job posting you want to track. This will be the same URL with an ID after the final slash.
  2. Add ?origin= to the end of the URL.
  3. Now type in the name of the source where you are planning to share the link. For example, if you want to share your career page on LinkedIn, add ?origin=linkedin to the end of the URL.

Please note that the name of your source is case-sensitive. To ensure your tracking is reliable, be consistent with spelling, spacing, and case.

An example of a flair career page
Adding tracking to a career page URL
  1. Now when someone applies for a job using this link, you will be able to track the application’s origin. Open the flair Recruiting app on Salesforce and search Career Portal Applications in the App Launcher. When you click on a candidate, you will see a field called Career Page Origin that lets you know where the candidate applied from.
A Salesforce field showing the candidate source
  1. You can use this field to create reports, helping you better monitor which of your recruitment channels are yielding the most applicants.

Link an Existing Career Page or Job Ad to flair
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If you have used a solution or platform other than flair to publish and advertise a job listing, candidates will not automatically be added to the flair Recruiting app. Fortunately, if you follow these simple steps, you won’t have to enter these candidates into Salesforce manually.

To connect a job ad to flair, first make sure you have already set up a flair career portal. Next, go to the Jobs section of the flair Recruiting app and create the job. Provided that your job listing matches the location and departments defined in the Segmentation options for your career portal, you will see a Career Portals box on the job’s page in Salesforce.

Copy the career portal link from this box and paste it into your external job advertisement. For example, you might want to make this URL the destination of the “Apply Now” button on your career page.

Now, when someone clicks the link in your job advertisement, they will be redirected to a flair job application form. Once they submit this form, their details will be saved in the Candidates section of the Recruiting app.

How to find your flair career portal URL

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Save time when creating new job listings using our simple job template.

Creating Jobs on Your Career Page
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Go to the Jobs section of the flair Recruiting app and click on New.

Enter the name of the job listing and select a Publish State to define whether you want to post the job immediately or keep it as a draft. You can then add all the information you want the job listing to show, including:

  • Type of employment
  • Time commitment
  • Department
  • Location
Creating a job by adding basic information, job description, and requirements

Then you can write a job description, list the job’s requirements and responsibilities, and describe the benefits that your company offers.

Once you’ve filled out these fields, click Save and the job will now be visible on your Jobs page.

How To Add a Hiring Manager
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Once you’ve created a job, you will need to assign a hiring manager to oversee the hiring process.

To do this, simply go to the Jobs section of the flair Recruiting app. Select the job you want to add a hiring manager to.

On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a section named Hiring Managers. Type in the name of the hiring manager and click Add to assign a hiring manager to this job.

Clicking on a job shows you a list of candidates and application sources

How To Translate a Job
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To appeal to a wider range of applicants, you may want to advertise your job in multiple languages. You can do this easily in the flair Recruiting app.

Simply navigate to the Jobs section and select the job you want to translate. Click on the Translations tab and then click Add Translation.

Add translations of job ads to reach a wider audience

Choose a language you want to add and then fill in the translations for each field. You will see the original language underneath each field. Click Save to complete the translation. You may then add more translations by repeating the process.

Add multiple language versions of job ads and job descriptions

Advertising Jobs With Multiposting
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With flair, you can post your job ads on multiple websites at once using our multiposting feature. Not only is this an effective way to save time, but it also boosts your chances of finding the right candidates for your open positions.

To start, open the flair Recruiting app and open the job that you want to advertise. Now click on the Publishing Details tab. Fill in the fields to add more information about the role, including industry, employment type, required experience, and salary range. When you have filled in all the fields, click Save.

Fill in all the information about your job listing before advertising it

Now open the Advertising tab. Under Add Integration you will see a selection of integrations we offer for job advertising. For multiposting, add the VONQ integration by clicking on the VONQ logo and the Connect Via Integration Service button. Make sure to activate the integration by clicking the Enable button.

Use the VONQ integration in flair to advertise multiple jobs at once

Once you are connected, a VONQ tab will be added underneath the Advertising tab in your jobs. In this tab, click the Advertise button. You will now see a selection of recommended job boards based on the job category, industry, and location you selected. You can click the filter icon on the right side of the highlights panel to adjust your filters or uncheck the Display Recommendations Only box to see the full list of suitable job boards.

An overview of job boards where you can post your job ads

Each result shows you the name and description of the channel, the price and duration of the ad placement, and whether or not this channel is recommended for you based on the type of role your want to advertise. Choose channels by clicking Add to Cart and then you will see the total price in the Cart card on the right.

When you click the Checkout button, you will have the chance to check the job details before posting. You may need to add some missing data depending on the job boards you have chosen. Once you’re ready, click Proceed to Checkout. Give your ad campaign a name and choose which Career Portal it is linked to. You can review your order details again before clicking Submit Order to start the campaign.

When you order a campaign, you will be charged from the payment method you use to pay for your flair subscription.

You can monitor your ongoing ad campaigns using the VONQ tab. Here you will see a list of your paid listings, including their status, cost, and clicks. You can also stop the campaign by clicking on the down arrow ▼ next to the campaign and selecting Stop Campaign.

Please note that if you stop an ongoing campaign, you will not be able to restore it and will still be charged.

Candidate Evaluations
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Having a fair and consistent process for evaluating candidates is key to hiring the right employees. Find out how to create tailored evaluation templates so you can simplify your hiring process.

Creating an Evaluation Template
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In the flair Recruiting app, click the Evaluations tab in the navigation bar. Select Evaluation Templates and then New Evaluation Template.

Create evaluation templates for your job vacancies

Give your template a name and click Save. Your template will now appear in the list. Click on it to start creating your template. You can then add different types of questions.

Single Choice: The evaluator can select one answer. Click Add Option to define possible answers.

Multiple Choice: The evaluator can select multiple answers. Click Add Option to define possible answers.

Scorecard: The evaluator gives the candidate a score for multiple items. Click Add Item to add the items you want the evaluator to assess.

Free Text: The evaluator can type any answer to the question

Specify questions to ask in candidate evaluations

For each type of question, you can make the question optional or mandatory and add hints to help the evaluator.

You can also delete questions by clicking the trashcan icon. Change the order of questions by clicking on the drag handle dots at the top of each question card and move the question to a new position.

Once you’re finished, click Save Template and your evaluation template will be ready to use.

Assigning Evaluators and Evaluations
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To assign evaluators and evaluation templates to candidates, go to the Jobs section of the flair Recruiting app.

Select a job and then go to the profile of the candidate you want to assign an evaluator to. Click the Evaluators tab and then Add New Evaluator. Select an evaluator, choose an Evaluation Template, and if needed, set a Due Date for the evaluation.

Assign evaluators to candidates and set due dates

You can also use the Candidates tab to directly find a candidate you wish to assign an evaluator to.

How To Evaluate a Candidate
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Once you assign an evaluator and an evaluation template, an email invite will be sent out to the evaluator. Clicking the Evaluate button will take the evaluator to the Employee Hub, where they can assess the candidate.

Evaluators are notified via email

In the Employee Hub, you will see a list of candidates to evaluate. This table shows you useful information, such as application stage, job, and the evaluation’s due date, score, comments, and status.

List of candidates to evaluate

When you click on a candidate, you’ll see their information at the top of the evaluation form. The evaluation questions will appear below and you can start submitting your feedback. Finally, you can add your overall recommendation and write any final comments.

Scorecards for a candidate evaluation

Below Your Feedback, you can also see an overview of your team’s feedback on the same candidate, as well as an Overall Recommendation score.

Team feedback in candidate evaluation

flair Recruiting Chrome Extension
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Our Chrome extension is a helpful time saver when you’re searching for talent. Without leaving your browser, you can directly add talent and candidates to your flair Recruiting app. Learn more about this practical tool for recruiters.

Adding the Extension to Your Browser
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You can download our flair Recruiting extension for Google Chrome from the Chrome Web Store. Download the extension here.

Once you have downloaded the extension, open the extension by clicking on the flair logo in your Google Chrome browser. If you have not pinned it to your navigation bar, you may first need to click the jigsaw piece to find the extension. Use your flair Employee Hub log-in details to sign in.

Adding a Talent’s or Candidate’s Details
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Now you can add the details of the candidate or talent you have found: full name, email address, phone number, and a link to their LinkedIn profile. Optionally, you can add notes and select relevant skills from your flair Recruiting app.

Lastly, select whether to save the profile as a Talent or a Candidate. If you select Candidate, you will be able to assign a job for the profile from a drop-down menu and select the appropriate funnel stage. Click Create Candidate / Create Talent to save the profile directly to the flair Recruiting app.

Creating and Editing Email Templates
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flair Email Templates allow you to generate and schedule standardized email content for various HR-related purposes, such as recruiting. Below, you will find a guide on how to create and modify email templates. Let’s walk you through the approaches.

Creating flair Email Templates Using the flair HR app
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  • To begin, log in to your flair HR app on Salesforce and click on the nine-dot option menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Type “Email Templates" into the search bar.
  • Select the Email Templates option from the search results. This will bring you to a page where you can create a new email template.
Email Template 1
  • Click New Email Template and provide a name for your email template, such as "Successful Candidate Interview"
Email Needs Replacing
  • Next, use the Related Entity Type field to specify the email category. For example, if it pertains to an email intended for interview candidates, you can select Candidate.