and Conditions for Implementation Services
Applicability and Subject Matter
Applicability. These
Terms and Conditions for Implementation Services (“Implementation Terms”)
shall apply to any agreement between Service Provider (as defined below) and
the customer as stated on the order form (“Customer”) regarding
Implementation Services (as defined below) (the “Implementation Agreement”)
for flair.hr’s SaaS-Solution (as defined in flair.hr’s Terms and
Conditions for SaaS).
Service Provider.
Implementation Services may be provided by flair.hr, a flair.hr Affiliate, or
Authorized Provider (each a “Service Provider”). “flair.hr” means
flair.hr GmbH, c/o The BYRO, Müllerstrasse 27, 80469 Munich. “Affiliate”
means any corporation or other entity which controls, is controlled by, or is
under common control with flair.hr or any successor entity. A corporation or
other entity shall be deemed to control another corporation or entity if (i) it
owns, directly or indirectly, fifty percent (50%) or more of the voting shares
or other interest, (ii) has the power to elect more than half the directors, of
such other corporation or entity, or (iii) has the ability, via contract or
otherwise, to direct the affairs of such other corporation or entity. “Authorized
Provider” means any person or entity authorized and appointed by flair.hr
to provide Implementation Services under these Implementation Terms.
Additional Terms. In addition to the Implementation Services provided under these
Implementation Terms, flair.hr may provide other services which are subject to
other terms and conditions, as stated below:
The provision of the flair.hr SaaS-Solution is
subject to flair.hr’s Terms and Conditions for SaaS.
The provision of support and additional
services, if any, is subject to the Terms and Conditions for Support and
Additional Services.
Business use. These
Implementation Terms shall only apply to businesses, whether a natural or legal
person or a partnership with legal personality within the meaning of section 14
of the German Civil Code who or which is acting in exercise of his or its
trade, business or profession, to legal persons under public law and special
funds under public law within the meaning of Section 310 (1) of the German
Civil Code and to other commercial or professional customers.
Exclusion of Customer’s terms. These Implementation Terms apply exclusively. Deviating, conflicting
or supplementary terms and conditions shall only become part of the
Implementation Agreement if and to the extent that Service Provider has
expressly agreed, by way of prior consent, that such terms shall apply to the
Implementation Agreement. This requirement of prior consent must be met at
least in Textform by a duly authorized representative of flair.hr and applies
in any case, even if Service Provider starts providing services without
reservation as to the terms and conditions of the Customer the Service Provider
has become aware of.
Implementation Agreement
Implementation Agreement. For the purpose of these Implementation Terms, an Implementation
Agreement shall mean these Implementation Terms together with the following
the order form (“Order Form”);
any documents referred to in these Implementation
Terms or the Order Form.
Order Form.
Service Provider provides Customer with an Order Form which can be submitted to
Service Provider to place an order. All quotations made by Service Provider in
an Order Form are without any commitment and non-binding. They become binding
upon acceptance of the Order Form by Service Provider as described in section
Customer can place an offer by submitting an Order Form with reference to these
Implementation Terms. The Implementation Agreement is concluded upon acceptance
of the Order Form by the Service Provider and is made as of the Effective Date.
Additional agreements and amendments. Any additional agreement to the Implementation Agreement shall be
concluded in Textform and with explicit reference to the respective
Implementation Agreement in order to be effective. Any amendment to an Order
Form accepted by Service Provider will require Textform and will only apply to
the relevant Order Form for which the amendment has been agreed. Any services
not covered by these Implementation Terms require a separate agreement between
Service Provider and Customer.
Conflicts. If
there is a conflict between these Implementation Terms and any of the documents
referred to in section 2.1, the provisions in the Order Form shall take
precedence over these Implementation Terms.
Implementation Services and Period
Implementation Services. Service Provider shall provide Implementation Services as specified
in the respective Implementation Agreement to enable Customer to migrate to
and/or use the SaaS-Solution in connection with the Customer’s IT
infrastructure. Implementation Services can include, for example, the initial
technical setup and customization of the SaaS-Solution, onboarding services,
training of admin users, project management services, and basic support
services during the Implementation Period (as defined below). Each of these
services represent a partial service of the Implementation Services. The exact
scope of the Implementation Services, which are determining the obligations of
the Service Provider under the Implementation Agreement, are described in the
Order Form and any other document attached thereto or referenced therein. Any
description of the Implementation Services does not constitute and must not, in
any event, be interpreted as an assurance (Zusicherung) of certain
characteristics or as a guarantee (Garantie).
Implementation Period. Implementation Services are only provided within the period
necessary to setup and customize the SaaS-Solution for the use of Customer as
stated in the Order Form (the “Implementation Period”). Once the
Implementation Period has been completed, any further configuration,
customization, or modification of the IT infrastructure and/or other software
used by the Customer in conjunction with the SaaS-Solution and any further
training and support will be charged separately and is subject to a separate
agreement under the Terms and Conditions for Support and Additional Services.
Project management
Contact persons.
The parties shall designate to each other contact persons and their alternates
who shall be responsible and competent for directing the performance of the
obligations of the respective party. Service Provider’s contact person is the
implementation manager (“Implementation Manager”) and is responsible for
all questions arising during the project as well as for requesting and
receiving all information from Customer. The Implementation Manager shall,
without undue delay, provide Customer with all information relating to the
project and regularly monitor compliance with time frame and scope of the
project as specified in the Order Form and documents referenced therein as well
as the quality of the implementation performed.
Changes in personnel. The parties shall inform each other of any changes in the personnel
named without undue delay. Until receipt of such notification, the
aforementioned contact persons and/or their deputies shall be deemed entitled
to make and receive declarations within the scope of their previous power of
Changes to the agreed services. Agreed changes to the Implementation Services shall be documented by
the Implementation Manager and confirmed by Customer. The documentation shall
be in in writing (Textform suffices).
Cooperation and customer duties
Cooperation. The
parties agree to cooperate closely and efficiently in a spirit of mutual trust
and good faith during the Implementation Period. Customer shall, in particular,
(i) specify the requirements for the Implementation Services to a sufficient
extent; (ii) supply proper notes, documentation and information necessary for
the implementation, especially an analysis of existing HR processes and how and
to what extent they should be automated; (iii) make available the necessary
materials and data; (iv) make available test data as well as prepare and make
available the test environment; (v) document and inform Service Provider
without undue delay of errors determined in the course of the test or
production running of the services provided in a form that can be reproduced,
in any event which is comprehensible; (vi) make available at its own cost all
facilities, equipment and suitably qualified personnel for the cooperation, to
the extent necessary for the provision of the Implementation Services; and
(vii) fulfil these obligations and all cooperation activities on time and give
declarations in accordance with the time limits. If a party becomes aware that
information and requirements, whether provided by itself or by the other party,
are erroneous, incomplete, ambiguous or impracticable, it shall notify the
other party thereof without undue delay and of the consequences which it has
Backups. It is
Customer’s obligation to retain backups of Customer’s data. Customer shall in
particular prior to any Implementation Service and/or access by Service
Provider or third parties mandated by Service Provider to its systems make a
complete data security backup of all system and application data.
Time limits. The
parties shall agree in the Order Form and documents referenced therein whether
time limits are to be considered as binding or non-binding. If the parties do
not make any provision on this, the time limits shall be non-binding. In
addition, the provision of all Implementation Services by Service Provider
shall be subject to the correct and timely delivery of its suppliers as well as
the fulfilment and carrying out of the duties and cooperation activities by
Default of Customer. If Customer fails to perform the activities for which Customer is
responsible, the obligations of Service Provider which cannot be rendered
without such activity or only by incurring disproportionate additional
expenses, shall be suspended for the duration of such default. Additional
expenses caused thereby shall be reimbursed by Customer to Service Provider in
addition to the agreed fees in accordance with Section 10. This shall not
affect any legal rights of Service Provider to terminate the Implementation
Acceptance. If and
to the extent provided by law or agreed in the Implementation Agreement,
completed Implementation Services require acceptance which shall be conducted
in accordance with the following terms and conditions. This does not apply to
the provision of services within the meaning of Section 611 of the German Civil
Code, in particular consulting and support services, unless the requirement for
the acceptance of the service is expressly stated in the Implementation
Agreement. Acceptance of a work product shall be in accordance with the
following provisions of this section.
Procedure and conditions. Service Provider shall inform Customer that the relevant
performance or part performance is ready for acceptance. Without undue delay,
however, at the latest within a period of 14 calendar days after receipt of the
notification, Customer and Service Provider shall carry out an acceptance
review. After the acceptance review has been successfully completed, Customer
must declare its acceptance in writing (Textform suffices) without undue delay.
The acceptance review shall be deemed to have been successfully concluded if
the performance or part performance fulfills all material requirements as set
forth in the respective Order Form or documents attached thereto.
Errors. Errors
determined in the performance or part performance under review shall be divided
into the following error categories:
Error category 1: As a
result of the error, the system as a whole or the part of the system under
review cannot be used;
Error category 2: The error
causes substantial restrictions in the use of important functions, which cannot
be circumvented by suitable measures for a reasonable time from Customer's
point of view;
Error category 3: All other
Refusal of acceptance and right to withdraw. Customer shall only be entitled to refuse its acceptance as a
result of errors in the error categories 1 and 2. Category 3 errors shall not
prevent the acceptance but shall be remedied as part of the rights in case of
defects. Such errors shall be recorded as defects in the written acceptance
declaration. If the acceptance is refused, Service Provider shall remedy the
acceptance inhibiting errors without undue delay and present the relevant
performance or part performance for acceptance again. If the error is not cured
within a first time limit, Customer shall set a reasonable second time limit.
If the error is not cured within the second time limit or if a reasonable
number of attempts to remedy were unsuccessful, Customer may, subject to
applicable statutory provisions withdraw from the Implementation Agreement.
Protocols. Upon
request of either party, at the end of the acceptance review, a written
protocol shall be prepared and signed by both parties (electronic form
electronically signed by both parties suffices). Any errors determined shall be
described in the protocol, divided into error categories, and the reasons for
any refusal of acceptance shall be stated.
Deadline. If
Customer does not declare its acceptance without undue delay, Service Provider
may set a time limit of seven calendar days for the provision of this
declaration. The acceptance shall be deemed to have taken place, if Customer
does not specify in writing within this period the reasons for the refusal of
the acceptance.
Right to withhold Implementation Services. Service Provider shall be entitled to withhold Implementation
Services if Customer is in default of the acceptance of performance or part
Defects after acceptance
The Implementation Services provided by Service
Provider shall be substantially in accordance with the description in the
respective Implementation Agreement. In case of defects, the Customer’s rights
shall be excluded (i) in the event of minor or immaterial deviations from the
agreed or assumed characteristics and (ii) in the event of slight impairment of
In case of a defect, Customer may demand
subsequent performance (Nacherfüllung). To the extent feasible, Service
Provider shall have the right to choose between improvement (Nachbesserung)
and replacement (Nachlieferung). If the defect is not cured within a
first time limit Customer shall set a reasonable second timeframe. If the
defect is not cured within the second timeframe or if a reasonable number of
attempts to remedy were unsuccessful, Customer may, subject to applicable
statutory provisions, withdraw from the Implementation Agreement.
Defects must be notified to Service Provider
with a detailed description of the effects of the defect.
Any claims for damages are subject to the
limitations set forth in section 8.
Amendments or additions to the Implementation
Services or items delivered which Customer carries out itself or through third
parties, shall cause Customers rights in case of defects to be cancelled,
unless Customer proves that the amendment or addition did not cause the defect.
Service Provider’s responsibility and liability for defects caused by improper
use or improper operation or the use of unsuitable means of operation by
Customer are excluded.
Service Provider may refuse to remedy defects or
deliver replacements, until Customer has paid the agreed fees to Service
Provider, less an amount which corresponds to the economic value of the defect.
Service Provider shall be unrestrictedly liable for any damage caused by intent
or gross negligence. In the event of a slightly negligent breach of a major
obligation (Hauptpflicht) or an accessory obligation, (Nebenpflicht),
whose breach puts the achievement of the contractual purpose at risk or whose
fulfilment is essential to the due and proper implementation of the
Implementation-Agreement and on whose fulfilment Customer could reasonably rely
(“Essential Obligation” – Kardinalpflicht), the liability of
Service Provider is limited to damage foreseeable at the time of conclusion of
the contract and characteristic for the contract (vertragstypischer
vorhersehbarer Schaden). The parties understand that the typical
foreseeable damage regularly does not exceed the annual contractual volume.
Exclusion of Liability. Service Provider is not liable for slightly negligent breaches of
accessory obligations that are not Essential Obligations. To the extent the
liability of Service Provider is excluded or limited, this shall also apply to
the personal liability of the Service Provider’s employees, members of staff,
representatives, and vicarious agents.
Exclusions. The
above exclusions and limitations of liability shall not apply in the event of
malicious concealment of defects or a guarantee as to quality, to the liability
for claims under the Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz), and
to claims based on personal injuries (life, limb, or health). This shall not
entail a reversal of the burden of proof to Customer’s disadvantage.
Term and termination
Term. The Implementation
Agreement shall be effective as of the effective date specified in the Order
Form (“Effective Date”) and shall remain effective during the
Implementation Period specified in the Order Form (“Term”).
Termination by either party. Either party may terminate the Implementation Agreement for cause
only (Kündigung aus wichtigem Grund). Termination of the Implementation
Agreement for cause may include any of the following causes, or another cause:
Breach of contract: As a result of a material
breach by the other party. Except where performance by a party is permanently
impossible, the non-breaching party may terminate the Implementation-Agreement
only if it provides written notice to the other party and grants the other
party a reasonable term of at least thirty (30) calendar days to remedy the
material breach, and such material breach is not rectified within the period
granted by the non-breaching party in the notice of default. For errors and defects
of the Implementation-Services, the specific provisions on remediation terms in
Section 6.4 and Section 7.2 apply. Any breach by Customer of its payment
obligation will constitute a material breach; or
Lack of funds: If the other party becomes subject
to any insolvency procedures, such as suspension of payments, a petition for
bankruptcy and winding-up procedure.
Termination by Service Provider. In addition, Service Provider may immediately terminate the
Implementation Agreement during the Term for cause, if Customer breaches
section 11 (intellectual property rights), or section 13 (confidentiality and
data protection).
If the Implementation Agreement is terminated
prior to completion of the Implementation Services, Service Provider shall be
entitled to charge an amount which corresponds to the Implementation Services
which it has provided up until the termination of the Implementation Agreement.
Form. Any
termination notice requires at least Textform.
Statutory withdrawal rights. Statutory withdrawal rights remain unaffected to the extent
specified under Section 6.4 and Section 7.2.
Fees and Payment
Fees. Customer
shall pay to the Service Provider the fees for the Implementation Services as
set forth in the Order Form and any other fees stated therein (“Fees”).
Invoicing. Fees
shall be invoiced to Customer in accordance with the requirements set out in
the accepted Order Form and the provisions of these Implementation Terms.
Due date. Unless
otherwise agreed, invoices are due 14 calendar days after invoice date and must
be paid without deduction to the account of Service Provider as specified in
the Order Form. All amounts are exclusive of taxes and other charges.
Suspension of Implementation Services. If Customer is in default on a payment pursuant to the terms of
payment as set forth in these Implementation Terms, Service Provider shall,
after providing a reminder with a reasonable deadline, be entitled to suspend
all Implementation Services for as long as payment remains outstanding. Service
Provider will inform Customer about the impending consequences of a default in
the reminder. The obligation to pay Fees shall remain in effect during the
suspension of Implementation Services due to default of payment.
Interests. Interests
shall accrue on a daily basis on any amount that have not been paid in full
within 14 calendar days after invoice date at an annual rate equal to nine per
cent over the then current base interest rate, commencing 14 calendar days
after invoice date and continuing until fully paid.
Customer may only offset against undisputed or finally awarded claims and may
only base a right of retention on undisputed or finally awarded claims.
Intellectual property rights
Intellectual Property. Any work results based on the Implementations Services are
protected by intellectual property rights such as copyrights. The
Service Provider shall be and remain the sole owner and holder of all
intellectual property rights to the work results created within the scope of
the Implementation Services that are protected by copyright. If and to the
extent that changes to the SaaS-Solution are made, flair.hr remains the sole
owner of the SaaS-Solution to be provided and the holder of all rights thereto,
with the exception of any third-party components and rights relating thereto.
Grant of rights. Subject
to compliance with these Implementation Terms and the Implementation Agreement,
Service Provider grants Customer a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and
non-transferable right, limited to the term of the SaaS-Agreement between
Customer and flair.hr to use the work results of the Implementation Services in
connection with and solely for the purpose of using the SaaS-Solution provided
by flair.hr.
Third-party technology. If and to the extent as the Implementation Services include
third-party technology (such as proprietary or open-source software), such
third-party technology shall be subject to third-party terms and conditions
governing such technology. Service Provider may notify Customer of third-party
terms and conditions by referencing them in the Implementation-Agreement, by providing
other written or electronic notice from time to time, or by the relevant third
party. Applicability of third-party terms and conditions shall with respect to
such third-party technology replace any provisions set forth in these
Implementation Terms or Implementation Agreement concluded thereunder between
Service Provider and Customer. Service Provider is not responsible for such
third-party technology and such third-party terms do not govern Service
Provider’s Implementation Services. Customer agrees to comply with such
third-party terms and conditions, as updated from time to time by the third
party. Unless the third-party technology is incorporated into the SaaS-Solution
by Service Provider and forms an inextricable part thereof, it is Customer’s sole
responsibility to obtain at its own cost adequate licenses for third-party
technology directly from the relevant third parties.
Service Provider shall
be entitled to involve subcontractors for the provision of the Implementation
Services. The use of subcontractors shall not relieve Service Provider of its
obligations to Customer.
Confidentiality and data protection
Confidential Information. “Confidential Information” shall mean any and all
information and data – either of technical, financial or business nature –
received from Service Provider or flair.hr that is marked or otherwise
designated as confidential or that can be reasonably recognized by the Customer
as confidential information. Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to technical information (e.g., computer code, inventions, algorithms,
know-how and ideas), business, financial, and other information (whether
written, oral, graphic, machine recognizable, sample or visual). Customer
agrees not to disclose any Confidential Information, which Customer has become
aware of, or which Customer has received from Service Provider or flair.hr, to
a third party or the public. The Customer shall protect the Confidential
Information in a way to prevent misuse by third parties and in accordance with
the Customer’s own protective measures for its own confidential information,
and shall at least be in accordance with the current state of the art at the
time of protection.
Exclusions. The
obligation to maintain confidentiality shall not apply to information and
documents which were in the public domain and generally available at the time
of disclosure or which were already known to the receiving parties at the time
of disclosure or which were later legitimately made available to the receiving
party by third parties.
Data protection. Each
party shall comply with all applicable data protection regulations – including,
but not limited to, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the
German Federal Data Protection Act – in relation to the performance of the
Implementation Agreement. To the extent required under applicable law, each
party shall impose the statutory data protection obligations on their staff and
any subcontractors engaged.
Form. Any
Implementation Agreement shall be concluded in text form within the meaning of
Section 126b of the German Civil Code (“Textform”), and any amendment to
an Implementation Agreement requires Textform.
Language and Interpretation. These Implementation Terms have been drafted in the English
language and the English language version shall be solely binding upon the
parties to the Implementation Agreement. Any translation of these
Implementation Terms shall be considered as convenience translation and not be
binding upon the parties to the Implementation Agreement. To the extent these
Implementation Terms include legal terms in German used in brackets, such legal
term shall be used for the interpretation of these Implementation Terms and the
Implementation Agreement based upon these Implementation Terms.
Applicable law.
These Implementation Terms and any Implementation Agreement hereunder shall be
governed by the laws of Germany.
Place of Jurisdiction. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in
connection with Implementation-Agreements under these Implementation-Terms
shall be the registered seat of flair.hr in Germany.
Neither the Implementation Agreement nor any rights or obligations hereunder
are assignable or otherwise transferable by either party, in whole or in part,
without the prior written consent of the other party. To the extent flair.hr
has concluded the Implementation Agreement based on these Implementation Terms,
flair.hr may transfer and assign its Implementation Agreement and its
obligations under these Implementation Terms to an Affiliate of flair.hr.
Severability. If
any provision of these Implementation Terms or any Implementation Agreement
thereunder is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity,
legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected
or impaired in any way, and such provision will be deemed to be restated to
reflect the original intentions of the Parties as nearly as possible in
accordance with applicable law.