Mission-Focused HR for NGOs

Maximizing Your Impact

flair harmonizes HR for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) looking to maximize their resources, ensure compliance, and achieve mission-driven goals. With flair, NGOs thrive.

Trusted by leading companies worldwide

Key Industry Features

Shift Planning

Plan shifts efficiently based on skills and location, and keep an overview of employee and volunteer availability.

Talent Acquisition

Share your NGO’s mission and advertise job vacancies on branded career pages to fill key roles in less time.

Doc Management

Securely store files and share important documents with role-based access controls and audit trails.

People Management

Efficient Staff Scheduling and Communication

Use the flair Shift Planner to efficiently organize your workforce and keep communication channels open with a branded staff portal.

  • Utilize real-time data to allocate staff where they are most needed
  • Coordinate staff and volunteer schedules with time and attendance tools
  • Use the mobile-optimized staff portal for fast HR communication
Recruitment and Retention

Attract and Retain Top Talent

Advertise vacancies and fill key roles in less time using our Career Portal Builder and applicant tracking software. Develop and retain top staff with collaborative performance reviews and goal-setting.

  • Share job postings and improve the candidate experience to increase the quality of hire and reduce time to hire
  • Increase operational efficiency with AI-supported candidate scoring and automated onboarding workflows
  • Combine 360-degree performance reviews with skills management to boost engagement and productivity
HR Records Management

Safely Store Sensitive Documents

Effortlessly structure document storage and safeguard your NGO’s data with top-tier Salesforce security.

  • Use cloud storage to ensure secure and scalable document access
  • Track changes to governance documents with comprehensive audit trails
  • Implement role-based access controls to protect sensitive information
Budgeting and Finance

Simplify Global Payroll Management

Managing pay across borders can be complex. flair simplifies this process, providing NGOs with the tools they need for payroll compliance and budgeting.

  • Generate payroll run documents for integration with tax and paycheck processing apps
  • Use project cost centers to monitor budgets while promoting transparency and financial discipline
  • Centralize expense management for quick and easy volunteer reimbursements
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“We were up and running after 2-3 weeks with the major functionality we needed. It's a very dynamic and comprehensive platform so we are constantly discovering new ways to use it and new features.”
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Gaspar Rodriguez

Co-Founder and Managing Director

Learn more
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Integrations To Elevate Your HR


The flair Mobile App 
for Core HR on the Go

Frequently Asked Questions

How can flair assist NGOs?

flair supports NGOs in their operational needs with a centralized suite of tools and features. NGOs frequently operate under resource constraints, relying on a diverse pool of volunteers and employees.

The flair Career Portal Builder enables NGOs to attract top-tier talent by creating a compelling online presence that communicates the organization's values and mission. Recruiters can create evaluation templates that streamline the recruitment process, aligning hiring decisions with strategic objectives.

flair's Shift Planner offers a helping hand, enabling NGOs to plan shifts, minimize the risk of understaffing, and ensure harmonious coordination among team members no matter the location.

NGOs often find themselves managing an array of documentation, such as grant applications and other sensitive data. flair's document management features make it easy to develop standardized templates while ensuring the security of critical data through top-tier Salesforce security measures.

Is flair useful for NGO finance management?

Financial prudence is a cornerstone for many NGOs. Our Expenses tool is a valuable resource, assisting NGOs in the management of funds. By efficiently organizing financial expenditures, NGOs can ensure that funds are channeled to where they are needed most.

NGOs with an international presence often grapple with the complexities of adhering to diverse labor laws and regulations in different countries. flair's payroll territories and location capabilities streamline HR management based on geographic regions, allowing adherence to legal regulations. flair helps NGOs navigate the intricacies of their worldwide operations, ensuring that their operations remain uninhibited by boundaries.

Does flair have experience with providing HR to NGOs?

Absolutely, flair has a proven track record of successfully serving NGOs. We are proud to collaborate with organizations such as BOMA, a U.S. nonprofit and Kenyan NGO dedicated to empowering disadvantaged women in Northern Kenya. The organization provides educational, financial, and technological support to break the cycle of poverty.

Additionally, we have a strong partnership with Blue Road Academy, formerly known as Refugee Force. Their mission is to enhance the career prospects of newcomers through Salesforce training, professional development, and facilitating direct connections with leading employers. We also work closely with Village Enterprise, an organization committed to reducing poverty in rural Africa by supporting local entrepreneurship.

At flair, we are committed to supporting NGOs in their vital work through modern and innovative HR solutions.

What support does flair provide during software implementation?

After we’ve identified your HR and recruiting needs, we’ll get to work on the implementation. Our Customer Success team will configure your solution, set up user accounts, customize your security settings and permission sets, and implement any integrations with other solutions, such as Slack.

We will provide training for your admin users so that you can get the most out of flair. Our dedicated onboarding specialists stay in regular contact with you to ensure that you’re off to a smooth start.

We also provide detailed educational resources, such as the Learning Hub and Developer Hub to help answer any questions that may come up after implementation. Our Customer Success team can also support you with more complex requests and troubleshooting.

In what way does flair differ from other HR software providers?

Being built on Salesforce means that flair is much more customizable and scalable than most other HR software solutions. We can also support businesses that operate in multiple locations.

What’s more, our HR platform covers the entire employee lifecycle, so you won’t need multiple solutions to handle your core HR and recruiting tasks.

Book Your Personal Demo

Ready to see how your organization will thrive with flair? Get in touch with us to discuss your needs and see how flair can help you boost your HR efficiency.

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