Employee Survey Software

Gain Valuable Employee Feedback

Pinpoint action plans that improve your employee retention and satisfaction. flair Surveys make it easy to organize feedback and track employee sentiment.

Measure and Monitor Employee Satisfaction KPIs

flair surveys are the most efficient way to check how your employees are feeling and identify ways to improve.

Simple survey setup and sharing

Customize surveys in minutes and send them to specific teams, roles, and locations.

A wide range of survey types

Send out eNPS surveys, smiley check-ins, and engagement questionnaires.

Centralized survey responses

Save time by having all survey responses stored in one comprehensive HR system.

Detailed reports and KPI tracking

Use Salesforce-powered reporting to dig into workforce metrics and monitor trends.


Alexander Weltzsch

CEO & Co-Founder

HQ Hamburg


Remote Team

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”flair helps us streamline and automate processes related to employee management, from applicant tracking to payroll and measuring OKRs.”

Simple Survey Creation

Effortlessly Create and Send Out Surveys

Create different kinds of surveys in just a few clicks. Decide whether the survey should automatically repeat, add comments, and set whether it’s compulsory.

  • eNPS: Measure employee satisfaction and loyalty
  • Smiley Check-In: A snapshot of employees’ feelings
  • Engagement Survey: Detailed custom questionnaires
Employee Feedback

Gauge Your Employees’ Happiness

Send out surveys to monitor your workforce’s reaction to specific plans and events, and get a quick snapshot into how employees are feeling. The results can guide your decision-making and help you identify ways to improve employee satisfaction.

Survey Metrics

Get Measurable Insights Into Your Workforce

Monitor trends in crucial HR metrics such as employee satisfaction and eNPS. With flair, you can combine survey responses with other HR-relevant data to gain a detailed view of your organization.

Qualitative Feedback

Inform Your Decision-Making

Customize surveys to get ideas from employees that help shape your company culture and reinforce employee retention. Allow anonymous responses to improve response rates and get more open feedback.


Employee Feedback Matters in Every Industry

Uncover new insights into your workforce. flair Surveys can be customized to organizations in any industry sector.


Assess Employee Well-Being

Prioritize healthcare staff well-being by listening to employee perspectives.


Built a Thriving Tech Culture

Monitor staff engagement and find out how well teams are collaborating on projects.

Staffing and Recruiting

Boost Your Employee Engagement

Act on your recruitment specialists’ feedback to develop a positive workplace culture.

Explore More flair Features

Performance Reviews
Provide Fair Feedback for Better Performance
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Employee Engagement
Increase Employee Motivation and Retention
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Efficiently Handle HR Support Requests
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Integrations To Elevate Your HR

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to gather employee feedback?

The perspectives of your employees can be a valuable asset in shaping strategies in human resources (HR). Involving your workforce in decision-making not only creates a sense of appreciation but also provides valuable insights for refining HR plans such as training and development.

Team members who feel like they have a say in company decisions are more likely to be invested in their work. Engaged employees have been found to perform better and contribute to better customer experiences.

Regularly seeking employee feedback also allows you to pinpoint potential sources of discontent, preventing issues from escalating into significant problems. This proactive approach can effectively contribute to minimizing employee turnover.

Furthermore, fostering a corporate culture that prioritizes and values employee input not only enhances your workplace's appeal but also serves to improve the employee experience, reduce attrition rates, and enable the retention of top-tier talent.

How often should employees be surveyed?

It's important to note that there is no golden rule regarding the frequency of employee surveys. Depending on the organization, staff may be involved in weekly pulse surveys or carry out quarterly or annual employee net promoter score measurements. A pulse survey is helpful because it asks the same question each time, allowing companies to track how responses change over a period of time.

However, there are some factors to consider when determining how often you should conduct employee surveys. For example, it's important to consider your goals and objectives for gauging staff feedback. If your organization is undergoing significant changes, more frequent polling of staff may be necessary.

Survey frequency may also depend on the nature of the work. Shorter intervals between questionnaires can also help identify any sharp changes in morale or engagement. No matter how often surveys are carried out, it's important that they are not just a formality. Taking onboard the results can be a great wait to uncover actionable insights into all levels of a business.

What can I use employee surveys for?

Virtually anything you want. Employee surveys are typically used to measure employee engagement and job satisfaction. Survey responses serve as a form of real-time feedback for companies, helping them to assess the happiness of their team members and identify workflows that need improvement.

There are many other use cases, too. For example, HR professionals could send out an online survey to gather ideas and suggestions for an upcoming team event or strategic decision. Surveys can also be used to gather 360-degree feedback as part of an employee performance management process.

Whatever the purpose, gathering feedback through surveys is an effective way to glean valuable insights directly from your workforce.

What are the benefits of flair’s employee survey tool?

flair's employee surveys empower HR teams and organizations to effortlessly send out personalized surveys. Building on basic survey templates, you can easily tailor survey questions using a variety of customization options to cater to unique needs or goals.

Compared to traditional methods of gathering employee feedback, such as sending out emails and recording the results in Microsoft Excel tables, flair centralizes results. This makes it easier to reveal the bigger picture about employee satisfaction and workplace culture.

Besides surveys, flair comes with other employee engagement tools. For example, flair includes performance management features that enable managers to plan, structure, and carry out employee appraisals efficiently. You can also use our employee recognition feature, which allows managers and colleagues to send each other messages of appreciation.

How can I analyze the survey results?

With flair, the data is centralized in one secure space, Salesforce, giving you a digital record of responses and key metrics that can be tracked over time. Your HR teams can then use real-time insights to improve the work environment.

The flair HR app includes intuitive analytics dashboards to help you interpret survey data. You can view real-time results and export reports to identify trends and actionable insights.

Which employee survey formats does flair support?

With flair, you can create a variety of surveys tailored to your company’s needs. These range from a simple smiley check-in to a comprehensive employee engagement survey.

flair employee engagement surveys can include a wide range of question types, including multiple-choice questions, ratings, scoreboards, free text answers, and sliders. You can allow anonymous responses to help ensure that you receive candid feedback.

Our pre-built eNPS (employee net promoter score) surveys can be set up in seconds. With these, you send out one question (such as: “How likely are you to recommend our company to your friends?”) and employees can give a score from 1 to 5. The results indicate the level of job satisfaction and loyalty within your organization.

Alternatively, you can send out a smiley check-in. These simple, one-question surveys allow employees to respond with just a single click. Employees simply choose an emoji that best reflects their mood or opinion related to the question. The advantage of this type of survey is its simplicity: they can be created and sent out in seconds, without distracting employees from their work.

Why should I choose flair over other survey platforms?

Various well-known survey platforms, such as SurveyMonkey, Culture Amp, and TINYpulse, have different focuses. For example, Qualtrics offers ‘experience management’, a field that also includes customer experience and market research. There are also employee engagement platforms, such as Workleap Officevibe, that combine surveys with employee development features.

flair, on the other hand, is made specifically for HR professionals. Unlike other survey platforms, our solution comes with other crucial HR features, including an HRIS, time and attendance management, recruitment functionality, a mobile app, and a self-service employee portal. While HR managers and team leads create and monitor surveys in our Salesforce app, employees respond via the self-service portal, ensuring a user-friendly process for everyone.

The advantage of our solution is that it covers the entire employee lifecycle, allowing you to combine survey responses with key HR metrics, such as absence rates, engagement levels, and employee attrition. This makes it easier to see the bigger picture and reduces the need for multiple employee engagement software licenses.

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