A Clearer View of Overtime and Other New Features

10 June 2024
Time Balance

Keeping clear records of employee working time is more important than ever. Besides new regulations, time tracking can also help you boost productivity while protecting employee well-being.

Our new Time Balance feature gives HR teams, managers, and employees a detailed summary of hours worked. We’ve also got some great new updates on skills, e-signing, and accrual policies.

Track and Compensate Overtime

Time Balance is a new way to quickly compare an employee’s recorded working time with their target hours. You can think of it like a bank balance – working time is accumulated during a period and can be withdrawn in return for compensatory time off (also known as time off in lieu).

In Salesforce, you can configure Time Balance to work the way you want it to, setting thresholds, limits, and caps as needed. Choose how employees are compensated for overtime by assigning premiums (e.g. ‘time and a half’) and designating how overtime is converted to time off. Time Balance can be withdrawn manually or automatically, giving you full control of how and when you reward employees for overtime.

Time Balance can also be enabled for the Employee Hub, allowing managers and employees to quickly check their accumulated hours.

Use Cases:

For HR:

  • Compensate overtime by automatically converting it to additional absence allowance.
  • Define premiums for overtime to fairly compensate employees for extra work.
  • Set thresholds and limits to discourage overworking.

For Managers:

  • See a clear and detailed view of your team’s recorded working time so you can ensure that no one is over- or underworked.

For Employees:

  • Instantly check whether you have worked enough hours during a specific period and get compensated for overtime.

Skills Matching for Recruiting

We're excited to share that the Skills component on the Candidate page of the flair Recruiting app has new features. You can now match skills and skills ratings to candidates and find candidates with similar attributes all while viewing any candidate's profile.

On the Jobs page of the flair Recruiting app you can also type specific skills into the Skills component and candidate suggestions will appear under the Similar People heading.

Use Cases:

For Recruiters:

  • Make better hiring decisions using detailed skill comparisons between candidates.
  • Easily find candidates with similar skills as a backup if a candidate declines an offer.

For Hiring Managers:

  • Ensure a better fit between job requirements and candidate capabilities, leading to higher quality hires.

E-Signing for Candidates

It is now possible to send contracts to candidates for e-signing. This new function makes the final steps of the hiring process much smoother and faster for everyone involved.

Add a prepared contract to the File component within a candidate’s profile. Then select the 🔽 dropdown arrow and click sign. From there it’s super easy to send a polished contract for your new hire to sign.

Use Cases:

For Recruiters:

  • Speed up time to hire and get top talent signed up fast.
  • Ensure all offers are formally accepted and documented, reducing misunderstandings or disputes.

For HR:

  • Keep a verifiable digital trail of all documents signed by new employees.

For Candidates:

  • Candidates can sign contracts from anywhere, reducing the need for physical meetings or mail exchanges.

New Absence Accrual Form

We've just released a new and improved absence accrual form as part of our HR solution. This update can be found under Absence Settings in the flair HR app and offers a user-friendly interface with detailed information about each section.

The new form makes it easier to create and manage accrual policies, thanks to enhanced features and renamed values based on customer feedback.

Use Cases:

For HR: Our new absence accrual form lets HR easily customize, modify, and manage policies for tracking employee leave balances.

Assign Expense Managers

It’s now possible to assign an additional expense manager to employees using the flair HR app. To do this, click on the Additional Managers tab within an employee record. Then assign the additional manager responsibilities including expense approval and employee data visibility.

Use Cases:

For HR: Fine-tune your expense management and add additional responsibilities when you need to.

Try these new features out today in flair and optimize overtime management, recruitment, e-signing, and much more.

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Bring flair to your HR today!

Get in touch now for a free demo.

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