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Employee Benefits To Consider Implementing in 2023

Employee Benefits To Consider Implementing in 2023

Employee Benefits To Consider Implementing in 2023

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Employee benefits are any perks you offer to your employees in addition to their salary. Having an attractive benefits program can help you stand out in the job market. Here’s your guide to offering employee benefits in 2023.

In today's era of remote work and with the emergence of Generation Z in the workforce, it’s essential to consider all employee benefit avenues. While a traditional benefits package may have included health insurance, life insurance, paid time off, profit sharing, and retirement benefits, it's necessary to assess other perks that appeal to your employees.

What Are Employee Benefits?

When you hear the term “employee benefits” a few specific things may come to mind. For example, you make think of health insurance and other benefits, like child care, sick leave, and paid time off. There’s much more to it than this, however.

Employee benefits refer to non-wage compensation provided by an employer to their employees in addition to their regular salary or hourly pay. Employee benefits are designed to enhance the well-being of employees, improve their work-life balance, and create a more attractive and competitive work environment.

They can also serve as a way for employers to attract and retain talented employees. Although some employee benefits are mandatory by law, many are voluntary and are provided at the discretion of the employer. This may include expenses such as premiums for life insurance or other similar benefits.

The Affordable Care Act: Also known as Obamacare, ACA is a federal law that has significant implications for employee benefits. The ACA requires employers with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees to offer affordable healthcare coverage that meets certain minimum standards to their employees or face potential penalties.

For example, employers in the US are not required to provide Medicare coverage to their employees. However, some employers may offer retiree health benefits that supplement Medicare coverage.

The decision to offer employee benefits is often driven by market demand, as many companies offer similar packages to attract and retain employees. As a result, job seekers may come to expect certain benefits as standard within a particular industry or field.

Understanding Responsibility for Employee Benefits

If you’re curious about who is responsible for providing employee benefits, the answer is typically the human resources department. HR professionals are tasked with identifying and implementing benefits plans that align with the needs and preferences of employees.

While HR is primarily responsible for managing employee benefits, it’s also recommended that business owners and senior management be involved in the process.

After all, determining which benefits to offer requires input from multiple stakeholders within any organization. By working together, HR and senior management can identify the most valuable benefits for both the company and its employees.

In most cases, senior management and the human resources department will identify opportunities and determine an appropriate benefits plan for a particular job or position.

While this may typically include medical insurance and more, it can also include more fringe benefits. These are often things that potential employees may ask for during job negotiations. Alternatively, they could be perks that your current workforce may also request.

In these cases, it’ll be up to human resources and management to work with employees to address this.

Human Resources play a big role in delivering employee benefits.

How Companies Profit From Employee Benefits

If you run a small business, you’ll likely wonder how you can profit from worker benefits. They can cost a significant amount of money. So you’ll want to know that you’ll get a return on investment.

While offering retirement plans, disability insurance, or flexible working hours may not yield an immediate financial return, there are numerous benefits for the company in the long run. In fact, several areas stand out as particularly significant.


Employees are the driving force behind your company. Without them, the organization is not going to go very far. That naturally means attracting and hiring the right staff. Offering a strong financial package will be one of the easiest ways of doing so.

While a competitive salary is important, it alone may not be enough to attract top talent to your organization. Today’s best employees are looking for more than just cash – they want to work for a company that values their well-being and development.

One effective way to demonstrate this is through a comprehensive benefits program that includes wellness programs, development partnerships, and other offerings. By providing these benefits, you can show potential hires that you’re invested in their growth and success. This, in turn, sends a message that you as an employer take their employment seriously and are committed to creating a positive work environment. The better your benefits plan is, the more likely people will be drawn to it. As a result, your company will attract potential employees of a much higher standard. Furthermore, a comprehensive benefits plan can also contribute to a higher Net Promoter Score as satisfied employees are more likely to recommend the company to their peers and networks, fostering a cycle of positive word-of-mouth and further enhancing the company's reputation.

Staff Retention

Attractive employee benefits should also increase employee retention, reducing the need for repeat recruitment drives. According to MetLife research, 70% of employees believe that benefits customized to meet their needs would increase their loyalty.

Employer Branding

An organization, whether a small business or a large enterprise, can also benefit from enhanced approval due to its commitment to perks and benefits packages.

By providing benefits that support employee well-being and professional development, organizations can create a happier and more engaged workforce. This, in turn, can lead to a better representation of the company and a more positive brand image.

If continued learning opportunities are included in the benefits package, employees will also be better equipped to excel in their roles. Ultimately, this can translate to a superior customer experience, as employees who feel valued and supported are more likely to provide top-notch service.

That’ll certainly affect your brand positively. People talk to their friends and family when they have a positive or negative experience with a company.

With a benefits package, your employees will be much better able to deliver this experience. While this may be an indirect gain, it’s still a noticeable advantage.

Tax Advantages

Offering employee benefits can be more affordable than you may expect since many benefits are tax-deductible, and the reduction in payroll taxes can offset costs. Compared to increasing an employee’s financial compensation, which would result in higher payroll taxes, non-financial compensation can provide tax benefits for both the employer and employee.

Furthermore, certain regular benefits, such as healthcare and insurance plans, can also lower your company’s taxes while providing valuable benefits to your employees.


As highlighted above, offering employee benefits can not only improve work culture but also boost productivity. When employees feel supported and valued by their employer through the provision of benefits, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated in their work, leading to higher levels of productivity. It’s a win-win.

What Employers Need To Consider

Implementing benefits in your company and sending an announcement email about benefits programs can provide numerous advantages, but it’s important not to rush into benefits administration. There are several key considerations to keep in mind to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls made by business owners when providing fringe benefits or other similar offerings.

There are a few things to watch out for. The most notable of these are:

  • Consider what benefits are you legally required to provide
  • Ask employees what they want and need
  • Examine your budget for benefits
  • Survey the risks involved
  • Think about partnerships. For example, what healthcare or insurance providers are you working with?
  • Define your benefits plan. What will it include? Will it be a package of multiple perks?

Don’t Forget To Collect Receipts

It’s important to understand the components of an attractive employee benefits package. This typically includes medical insurance, childcare options, social security contributions, a pension plan, and other essential benefits.

Being aware of these key elements can help employers design a comprehensive benefits package. But don’t forget to collect receipts. These will typically come in the form of invoices from each of your providers or from employees themselves. When doing so, it’s a good idea to make records of invoices and receipts as detailed as possible.

While it might not be clear why you need these initially, it will be once tax season comes around.

That’s primarily because your organization could be due tax deductions because of your benefits plan. Collecting receipts is also important because it helps ensure that the benefits are being used appropriately and for their intended purpose.

For example, if an employer provides a healthcare reimbursement benefit, such as a health savings account (HSA), employees may be required to submit receipts for eligible medical expenses in order to receive reimbursement. As an employer or HR manager, use documentation and receipts to make sure that you are offering the right benefits program and that full-time employees are using them appropriately.

Employee benefits can help with staff retention.

Top Employee Benefits

With the multiple benefits on offer, you’ll want to know what the best ones are. Some are much more common than others. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular types of benefits:

Retirement Benefits: Employers can offer a wide range of retirement benefits. One example is the 401K. They allow employees to contribute a limited portion of their salary to a tax-deferred savings account for use after retirement.

Health Plans: One example of a health plan provided by an employer is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan. A PPO plan is a type of health insurance plan that offers staff the chance to choose their healthcare providers from a network of preferred providers.

Wellness Programs: An employee wellness program can be defined in many ways. They are initiatives designed to improve and protect the well-being of staff. Examples include exercise programs, gym memberships, mental health support, and healthy eating options.

Insurance: Employers can cover and pay the premium for a number of types of work-related insurance. For example, under a group life insurance policy, an employer would pay for the coverage of their staff. If an employee dies while covered by the policy, the designated beneficiary receives the insurance benefit.

Professional Development: Training opportunities can be a significant perk in the workplace. Many organizations pitch in and invest in learning resources and courses for staff members.

Childcare: Providing childcare benefits can help companies attract employees and alleviate the financial burden of childcare for their staff, which is often costly and can create significant life pressures.

Parental Leave: It’s important to workers that employers recognize family life. By providing staff with opportunities to take time off to take care of and be with their children, companies can go some way to building a favorable work environment. It is usually given to working parents with a newly born baby.

Equipment & Transport: Company-provided laptops or mobile phones are considered a benefit. Employers can also provide transportation perks, such as discounts on purchasing a bicycle or scooter.

Student Loan Repayments: In today’s economic climate, student loan refinancing and repayment are rapidly becoming a popular employee benefit. An employer may agree to contribute funds towards an employee’s student loan payments.

Reimbursement: Reimbursement can be considered an employee benefit when an employer offers to pay for certain expenses incurred by an employee as part of their job. For example, an employer may offer to reimburse an employee for their travel expenses when they are required to travel for work.

Flexible Spending Accounts: A flexible spending account (FSA) is an employee benefit offered by some employers in the United States. It allows employees to set aside pre-tax dollars from their paychecks to pay for qualified expenses, such as the care of dependents.

Research Competitors

Providing benefits plans to your employees can have a significant impact on your company, with benefits in multiple areas. In addition to improving employee retention rates, you can expect to see a boost in employee satisfaction and productivity, as well as potential tax breaks.

Implementing an employee benefits package can be much easier said than done, however. You’ll need to make sure that you offer the right one for your employees.

One effective way to determine which benefits are suitable for your workplace or company is by consulting with your current employees. Additionally, it’s essential to research what other companies in your industry typically provide. While matching their offerings may be the minimum, it may be worthwhile to offer more than your competitors when possible.

For additional HR and employee experience advice, check out more flair blog articles here.


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