At flair, we're all about helping companies find their next star employees. Job interviews are a big part of this journey. They're more than just meetings; they're where futures are shaped. That's why we use technology to make the whole process smoother and more effective.
We build easy-to-make career pages that show off what makes a company special, and we help spread the word about job openings far and wide. Our tools make it easier to keep track of all the applicants and make sure nobody gets lost in the shuffle. Plus, we give companies the info they need to make smart hiring decisions. An online screen recorder like Tella can also be used to capture virtual interviews, allowing hiring managers to revisit and evaluate candidate responses more effectively.
We're sharing the top stats on job interviews to show how important they are in the hiring process. We believe that with perceptive hiring managers, and the right tools and information, every organization can find their perfect match.
Editor's Top Picks
About 76% of recruiters will pass on a candidate they perceive as overly arrogant. 8
The entire interview process usually spans about 23 days. 1
Women, even when equally qualified as men, are 30% less likely to be invited for an interview. 1
A significant 73% of the workforce is not actively seeking new jobs but remains open to opportunities. 10
88% of companies believe referrals result in the best hiring outcomes. 10
Job Interview Process Statistics
Job interviews are where the magic happens – it's where companies meet future employees. But what makes an interview successful? Let's look at some important facts and tips that help both sides get it right, making sure every interview is a step forward to finding the perfect job or the perfect person for the job. Below are some key job interview statistics.
On average, a person might apply to 27 different places before they even get to have one interview.1
Out of every 250 resumes a job opening gets, only about 4 to 6 people will be asked to come in for a follow-up interview.1
For every six job applications sent, a candidate usually gets just one interview invite.1
It typically takes around 23 days to go through a variety of interview rounds and the whole interview process.1
After going through three interviews, the chances of getting the job go up to 51%.1
In the first minute and a half of an interview, about one-third of interviewers have already made up their minds.1
People looking for a job have about a 26% chance of getting an offer after all their efforts.1
The interview itself is likely to last about 40 minutes.1
It can take about half a year, 24 weeks, for someone to go through the process of interviewing and getting hired.1
If someone has been out of work for more than 27 weeks, their chances of getting a job offer drop to just over 18%.1
Adding a phone interview into the mix can extend the hiring process by about eight days.1
Women with the same qualifications as men are 30% less likely to be chosen for an interview.1
Additionally, providing an employee booklet can offer candidates a comprehensive overview of the company, its culture, and expectations, further ensuring a smooth interview process and informed decision-making.
LinkedIn suggests a smart strategy for hiring: meet with the top performers in the role you're looking to fill. Even if you don't end up hiring them, these conversations can sharpen your understanding of the qualifications and traits essential for the job, guiding you to find the right candidate.
Nearly 60% of those who recruit for jobs now use videos to interview candidates.1
If you're over 55, finding a job can be tougher. You're three times less likely to be asked for an interview than younger folks applying for the same job.1
Young white males have a better shot at getting an interview than white men in their 50s, being 1.8 times more likely to get called in.1
Men generally feel 33% more sure of themselves in interviews than women do.1
For about 35% of job listings, you need to have a bachelor’s degree just to be considered for an interview.1
Out of everyone who applies for a job, only 2% make it to the interview stage.2
Employee Hiring Chances by Number of Interviews
Recruiters typically make up their minds about a resume in just 6-8 seconds.2
From 2019 to 2023, the use of video interviews shot up by 57%.2
Attending a job interview can set a candidate back by an average of $72.29.2
A majority of candidates, about 57%, rely on public transport to get to their interviews.2
After submitting an application, only 5% of candidates land an interview within the first week.2
For each job opening, potential employers in the US and Canada usually interview around 7 job candidates.2
At the initial interview stage, over half of all candidates are turned away.2
A whopping 84% of interviewers expect you to bring a copy of your resume to the interview.2
When it comes to dress code, only 37% of employers still expect men to wear a tie to an interview.2
Typically, the average job interview in the US involves just one representative from the employer's side.2
Job interviews are changing fast with more happening over video and recruiters making quick decisions from resumes. Going to interviews can cost money, and there's lots of competition. Still, bringing your resume and dressing up remain key.
First Impression Statistics
First impressions are crucial in job interviews; candidates often work hard to make the best initial impact. Did you know that interviewers typically form opinions about candidates within the first few minutes? In fact, statistics show that these initial impressions can significantly influence the outcome of the interview. Let's explore some of these revealing statistics.
Most people (69%) decide what they think of someone before the other starts talking.8
95% of people think first impressions really matter, and 79% are sure they're good at making a positive one.8
A big chunk of our first impressions (55%) comes from how someone looks and another 38% from their voice, leaving just 7% to the words they actually say.4
Nearly 70% of people trust their first gut feeling about someone else. 3
Over 61% of people believe they can spot a liar right off the bat.8
About 55% mentioned in a survey that how a person looks shapes their initial opinion in just 10 seconds.5
44% of people first notice a person's eyes when meeting them. 3
Candidates have just seven seconds to make good impressions in categories like trustworthiness, friendliness, and skill.7
Remember that your attire also helps create a good first impression. Dress professionally for your interview.
Many recruiters (77%) think spelling and grammar mistakes are big no-nos and might not hire someone because of them.8
As individuals, our initial take on people is pretty on point about 76% of the time, showing we're quite good at trusting our instincts.3
Around 35% of recruiters say bad email vibes from a candidate can make them think twice.8
Bad email vibes can turn recruiters off. This means making mistakes like using slang, sending emails that are either too short or too long, not bothering to use the recruiter's name, or having an unprofessional email address. It also includes sounding too casual, aggressive, or entitled. Basically, if an email doesn't look professional or shows you didn't put in effort, it could hurt your chances.
More than two thirds of people (68%) back their ability to judge someone accurately at first sight.3
The tone of someone's voice matters to 38% of people when they're forming a first impression.5
Sadly, around 40% of people say they've spiced up their resume with stuff that isn't true to look better.8
Many recruiters (76%) wouldn't hire someone they think is too arrogant.8
71% of recruiters say an applicant is out of the running if they don’t dress professionally.8
Looking the interviewer in the eye is key; 67% of recruiters think it's essential for a good impression.8
Problems like talking too quietly, not seeming sure of themselves, or being too shy can leave a bad impression, according to recruiters.8
A limp handshake? That's a no-go for 30% of recruiters, who say it makes a candidate seem less impressive.8
First impressions carry a lot of weight in the job interview process. Recruiters often make quick decisions based on a candidate's appearance, confidence, and body language. Dressing appropriately, maintaining eye contact, and delivering a firm handshake can significantly influence your chances.
On the flip side, seeming too shy, speaking too softly, or coming across as arrogant can hinder your prospects. It's clear that in the few moments it takes to make that initial impression, a lot is at stake. Paying attention to these details can make or break your opportunity to land the job.
According to Pleas Andrew Honeywood, a Job Coach and Career Content Strategist, “Sometimes, an interviewer will talk to a dozen people who have the minimum core baseline skills. So the hiring decision will come down to who the interviewer “likes more” and feels would be a better cultural fit. So that first impression can color the entire tenor of your interview.”
Recruiters’ Practices Statistics
Recruitment teams and hiring professionals across various industries often employ similar strategies when assessing potential candidates. These common approaches form the basis of how applicants are evaluated.
A significant number of people, 66%, would hesitate to apply for jobs if they knew AI was involved in the decision-making process.9
Despite AI's growing role in screening candidates and even running interviews, most individuals are not in favor of letting it review applications or make the final call on hiring.9
Interestingly, 47% of respondents think AI could outperform humans in treating all job applicants equally.9
However, a large part of the resistance to AI in hiring, 61% of Americans, comes from simply not knowing that AI is being used at all.9
The lack of a "human touch" is a major concern for those wary of AI-driven hiring processes.9
With racial and ethnic bias in hiring recognized as an issue by 79% of Americans, about half believe that more AI could help reduce such biases.9
While opinions on using AI in the hiring process vary, we see its potential to streamline recruitment when combined with human intuition. At flair, we believe AI can significantly speed up hiring and improve the accuracy of evaluating candidates, striking a balance between efficiency and the human touch essential in recruitment.
A large portion of the workforce, 73%, isn't actively looking for jobs but is open to new opportunities.10
Hiring gets a big boost from using applicant tracking systems (ATS), with 94% of professionals noting better processes.10
Every day a job stays open, it costs the company about $98.10.10
Filling a job vacancy typically takes around 42 days.10
Complex online application processes lead 60% of candidates to drop out.10
The best talent often gets snapped up quickly, usually within ten days.10
Most job seekers (70%) expect to see a salary range in their first communication from a recruiter.10
Referrals lead to the best hires, according to 88% of businesses.10
Having a strong employer brand can cut recruitment costs by 43% and reduce staff turnover by 28%.10
A survey of 500 businesses found that 90% were considering hiring overseas. Not only are companies looking to acquire the best talent globally, but they’re also willing to work around time zones — and be flexible about other things like remote work, English fluency and working with local laws and compliance.
Employee networks can expand a company's talent pool tenfold.10
Constant communication from a recruiter leads 89% of candidates to accept job offers more promptly.10
Over 75% of people who changed jobs recently were influenced by professional social networks like LinkedIn.10
In 2021, over half of the workforce (52%) considered looking for new job opportunities.10
Cultural fit plays a significant role, influencing around 10% of hiring decisions.10
Social media is a go-to for 79% of applicants when searching for jobs.10
Investing in new technology is seen as the best way to boost recruitment performance over the next five years by 68% of recruiters.10
Finding skilled candidates is a challenge for 72% of employers.10
A lot of job seekers are open to new opportunities even if they're not actively searching. Tools like social media and referral programs are key for companies to find and hire the best people quickly. However, the hiring process can be slow and costly, and many candidates drop out if things get too complicated. By investing in new technology and improving their online processes, companies can make hiring easier and more efficient.
Job Interview Trends
As the job market evolves, so do the trends in job interviews. From the rise of digital interviews to changing expectations among candidates and employers, understanding these trends is crucial for anyone looking to navigate the world of job hunting or hiring.
On average, job seekers send out about 14 applications and get roughly 2 interviews. This varies depending on how long they've been unemployed.11
Sending out more applications does increase your chances of getting a job offer, but only up to a point. Those who applied for more than 80 jobs didn't see better odds of getting an offer.11
Having at least one interview in the last two months boosts your chance of getting a job offer to 37%. Without any interviews, the chance drops to 10%.11
The longer you're unemployed, the harder it gets to receive a job offer. People out of work for less than 5 weeks have about a 31% chance, but this drops to 18% for those unemployed for 27 weeks or more.11
People might say no to a job offer for several reasons, like low pay (23%), personal issues (13%), bad hours (12%), a long commute (11%), and other factors.11
If you apply to more jobs, you're more likely to get interviews. For example, applying to 1-10 jobs might get you up to 2 interviews, but applying to 21-80 jobs could get you up to 7 interviews.11
It seems like there's about 1 interview for every 6 applications.11
Applying for more jobs usually means you'll get more interviews, but it doesn't always mean you're more likely to get the job. This means that trying hard is important, but there are other things that matter too when it comes to getting hired. Also, being out of work for a long time can make it harder to get a job. People looking for jobs need to find smart ways to help them in their search.
64% of millennials value job satisfaction over salary, preferring a lower-paying job they love to a higher-paying one that doesn't excite them.12
Interestingly, 82% of employers are now incorporating virtual interviews into their recruitment process, highlighting the shift towards technology in hiring.8
A significant number of job seekers, around 45%, use their mobile devices to look for jobs every day, showcasing the importance of mobile-friendly application processes.12
With competition fierce, only about 20% of those who apply for a job advance to the interview stage.8
It was predicted that nearly 63% of US organizations will integrate video calling into their hiring practices by the end of 2023.8
Recruiters note the importance of diversity, with 77% predicting it will play an increasingly crucial role in recruitment strategies.8
Millennials, in particular, assess a company's culture and people before considering the career potential, with nearly 80% prioritizing these aspects.12
The challenge of retaining millennials is evident, as 46% cite a lack of career growth opportunities as the reason for leaving their most recent job.12
Jobs With the Shortest Hiring Processes
Job title
Average time of entire interview process (days)
8 days
Retail rep
8.5 days
Delivery driver
8.5 days
Brand Ambassador
8.6 days
Hair stylist
9 days
Mobile devices are not just for job searching; 54% of job seekers also use them to read employee reviews, while 52% check salary information.12
Initially, job applicants have a 26.24% chance of receiving a job offer, which significantly improves to 51% after participating in at least three interviews.8
The gap in social media savvy is notable, with two-thirds of employees feeling their employer either doesn't use or doesn't know how to effectively utilize social media for job promotion.12
This extends to employer branding on social media, which three-quarters of employees believe their company fails to effectively promote.12
The vast majority of sales professionals, 94%, see their base salary as the most critical part of their compensation, with only 62% viewing commissions in the same light.12
On average, 118 people apply for each job, which shows there's a lot of competition for jobs.8
In today’s job market, searching for jobs on mobile devices and valuing company principles have become the norm. For companies looking to hire, finding the right way to connect with the perfect candidates, both in-person and virtually, is key. This is where flair comes in, making hiring simpler and smarter while enhancing the overall work experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How many interviews does it typically take to get a job?
A candidate takes about 2-3 interviews to secure a job offer. However, this number can vary widely depending on industry, job level, and location.
Q2. What percentage of applicants get an interview?
The percentage of applicants who receive an interview can vary widely depending on the job and company. On average, it's estimated that about 20% of applicants receive an interview invitation. This percentage can be higher or lower depending on the company's screening process.
Q3. What is the most common interview format?
The most common interview format is the traditional face-to-face interview. However, phone and video interviews have become increasingly popular, especially for initial screening.
Q4. What percentage of interviews are behavioral interviews?
Behavioral interviews have become more prevalent, focusing on a candidate's past behavior to predict future performance. They are often used in conjunction with other interview formats. The exact percentage of behavioral interviews can vary by industry and company, but they are relatively common.
Q5. What percentage of interviews include technical or skills-based questions?
Technical or skills-based interview questions are common in interviews for technical or specialized roles. The percentage of interviews with technical questions can be quite high for these positions, often exceeding 50% of the interview content.
In Conclusion
Looking at all these job interview stats, it’s clear that the process of finding and starting a job is constantly changing. Technology is playing a big role, and what people want from a job is different now.
To help HR professionals overcome challenges in talent acquisition and recruitment, Flair offers a holistic solution. Users can attract top talent using bespoke career pages and manage candidates and their data throughout the entire hiring process with the support of our Salesforce foundation.
For example, once an applicant applies through your flair-optimized career page, their information is stored in the flair Recruiting app. From there, recruiters and HR professionals can easily guide candidates through the process, complete interview scheduling, and communicate smoothly to ensure a positive candidate experience.
flair also offers AI-driven recruitment capabilities. This feature enables recruiters to generate enterprise-standard job postings for advertisements.
Additionally, you can streamline the hiring process by using AI to match candidates with specific skills to job descriptions. This level of automation supports quicker decision-making while maintaining the essential human touch needed for recruiting top talent.
flair’s Recruiting app helps companies to offer a better candidate experience. Book a demo with us today.
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