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165 Resume Statistics: Cover Letters and Valuable Skills

165 Resume Statistics: Cover Letters and Valuable Skills

165 Resume Statistics: Cover Letters and Valuable Skills

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In today's competitive job market, a resume isn't just a document; it's your personal billboard. Think of your resume as more than a mere list of jobs and education. It's a unique story of your professional journey, highlighting not just where you've been, but also where you're capable of going.

Despite the rise of digital platforms like LinkedIn and advanced applicant tracking systems (ATS) used by many top companies, traditional resumes and cover letters still hold significant value. They play a critical role in determining a candidate's likelihood of securing an interview and, ultimately, a job.

Editor's Top Picks
  • After phone interviews, most hiring managers invite 2-4 candidates for in-person interviews. 3
  • A large portion, 84% of job applicants, do not personalize the salutation or greeting on their cover letters. 5
  • Employers usually interview 6-10 candidates per job, with 2-3 rounds before offering. If necessary, they may interview more. 3
  • An overwhelming 91% of employers value resumes that emphasize soft skills. 5
  • 30% of the global workforce actively searches for jobs, while the remaining 70% consists of passive talent not actively seeking employment. 4
  • Key Resume Statistics

    In the highly competitive landscape of modern job-seeking, grasping the nuances of resume submissions and the intricacies of hiring practices is vital. Intriguing statistics about resumes offer enlightening perspectives on job applications and the recruitment process.

    • Mentioning a previous employer in common boosts your InMail response rate by 27%.4
    • The typical resume is 1-2 pages long, with one-page resumes having an average of 287 words and two-page resumes averaging around 506 words.10
    • Most candidates list job positions with locations, but 27% emphasize "remote" as their work location, showing a trend towards flexible work settings.10
    • While quantifying achievements holds value, 81% have not employed numbers or percentages to specify their accomplishments.10
    • Around 86% of job seekers still include their home addresses on resumes, despite privacy concerns and the changing job market.10
    The job-seeking landscape combines old and new practices. The 27% boost in InMail responses when mentioning a mutual employer highlights the undiminished importance of networking.4 Resumes averaging 1-2 pages indicate a preference for concise yet detailed presentations. The inclusion of remote work by 27% of candidates signifies a shift towards flexible job environments.10However, many miss the opportunity to enhance their profiles by not quantifying achievements. The continued inclusion of home addresses on 86% of resumes suggests a lag in adapting to modern privacy standards, reflecting an evolving job market yet still rooted in some traditional practices.10
    • On average, resumes include 5.46 to 12.67 skills, and longer resumes tend to feature more skills.10
    • 18% of candidates include side projects on their resumes, showcasing extra skills and experiences beyond traditional job history.10
    • 91% of job seekers prefer a double-column resume format to maximize space and present information in a reader-friendly way.10
    • Approximately 89.53% of job applicants submit one or two-page resumes, highlighting a clear preference for brevity.10
    • On the flip side, resumes longer than two pages are uncommon, making up about 10.47% of the total, and those exceeding three pages are exceptionally rare.10
    • Resume length depends on industry, role, and experience, ranging from one-page (about 287 words) to seven-page (around 2,300 words) resumes.10
    • The average word count for resumes was 438.10
    • People with one-page resumes typically had around 3.72 positions on average.10
    • Two-page resumes, averaging around 5.33 positions, usually belong to mid-career professionals with more roles and diverse experiences.10
    • Job seekers with a well-detailed LinkedIn profile increase their chances of securing a job interview by 71%.12
    • 61% of employers view soft skills as equally important to hard skills.5
    • Work experience is the primary focus of hiring managers when reviewing resumes, accounting for 67% of their evaluation.5
    • ATS systems reject a significant portion, up to 75%, of qualified candidates due to resumes that are difficult to understand.5
    • Over 75% of companies have identified falsehoods on resumes.5
    • ATS systems are employed by 98% of Fortune 500 companies to make hiring decisions.5
    The Top 5 Additional Resume Sections Used

    • Most job seekers create a new resume tailored to each job application.5
    • A small percentage of job applicants receive interview invitations, and an even smaller percentage secure job offers.5
    • Only 2.4% to 3.4% of job applicants are selected for positions, indicating that job seekers typically need to submit an average of 30 to 50 resumes.5
    • If a resume includes a photo, companies will look at the photo in 19% of cases.5
    • Just 14% of hiring professionals dedicate more than a minute to reviewing a resume.5

    The job market is highly competitive, and the resume submission and review process is subject to various statistics and trends. Employers emphasize the importance of soft and hard skills, with soft skills holding significant weight for most of them. Work experience remains a top priority for hiring managers, constituting a great percentage of their resume evaluation process.

    Job-Hunting and Resume Statistics

    Through analyzing job market statistics, individuals and employers can gain valuable insights that aid in making well-informed choices, ultimately fostering effective career transitions and workforce growth. This section explores crucial facets of job market statistics, providing a window into the data-centric world of both job seekers and employers.

    • 24% of hiring managers review a resume in under 30 seconds.1
    • Among individuals who had professionally crafted resumes, 68% were able to secure employment within a span of 90 days.6
    • Most employees acknowledged that their education aided in job acquisition, but 72% emphasized that employers valued specific skill sets more.1
    • Job openings typically describe 21.8 skills, but resumes usually list only 13 skills.8
    • 45% of job listings seek innovation and creativity.1
    • 43% of resumes are received in file formats that are incompatible.6
    • A professionally written resume can increase your earnings by 7% to 32%.6
    • On average, online job openings attract over 250 resumes, while IT job openings receive about 386 resumes each.6
    • Typically, sending 50 to 100 resumes is required to secure a job.6
    • Networking leads to 85% of job discoveries, surpassing job listing websites.6
    • 35% of companies have a policy against hiring individuals with unprofessional email addresses.2
    In the competitive job market, the impact of a professionally crafted resume is significant, often becoming a decisive factor in securing employment swiftly. This reality is particularly poignant for candidates from diverse backgrounds, where neutral presentation of ethnic information notably influences callback rates.Yet, many job seekers overlook tailoring their resumes for specific roles, diminishing their chances in a process where brevity is essential and automated systems filter out most applications. This highlights the importance of a well-constructed resume in catching a recruiter's eye and the growing skepticism among hiring professionals regarding the authenticity of the content, underscoring a complex dynamic where perception and presentation play crucial roles.
    • Spelling or grammar errors on resumes lead to rejection by approximately 77% of hiring professionals.2
    • 70% of jobs are not advertised, indicating the presences of a 'hidden job market' .11
    • Job applicants with a linked LinkedIn profile on their resumes received a 13.5% callback rate, 71% higher than those without any LinkedIn profile, who received a 7.9% callback rate.12
    • Applicants with a minimal LinkedIn profile link on their resumes had a callback rate of 7.2%, slightly lower than those without any LinkedIn profile listed.12
    • The typical job description contains 43 keywords (rounded down from 43.48), and the median is 39 keywords.13
    • Candidates' resumes contained only 51% of the job description's keywords and skills.13
    • Candidates' resumes contained 60% of the required hard skills and just 28% of the needed soft skills compared to the job description for their target role.13
    • Only 26% of resumes have five or more measurable metrics.13
    • In fact, 36% of resumes lacked any measurable metrics.13
    • 77% of the resumes analyzed had a significantly lower chance of receiving interviews because they were either under 475 words or over 600 words.13
    • 77% of your competition either over-indexes or under-indexes, offering you a chance to gain an advantage.13
    • 51% of the resumes contained buzzwords, cliches, or misused pronouns (for purposes other than gender identification).13
    • Submitting a job application before 10 a.m. increases the likelihood of being noticed by nearly 90%.6
    Recruiters vs Job Hunters

    Job seekers are facing both challenges and opportunities in their quest for employment. The data suggests that seeking assistance from friends and colleagues and utilizing online resources like LinkedIn and job boards can be crucial in job search success. Moreover, the power of referrals cannot be underestimated, as candidates referred by others are more likely to be hired.

    Resume Formatting Statistics

    The format and structure of your resume can play a pivotal role in influencing your prospects of securing your desired position. This section aims to emphasize the significance of resume formatting by exploring essential statistics and current trends. These insights underscore the crucial role that a thoughtfully organized resume plays in grabbing the recruiter's attention and effectively presenting your qualifications.

    For practical guidance, consider looking at resume examples that illustrate how different formatting choices can impact the effectiveness of your resume.

    • Approximately 63% of employers favor resumes customized for the specific job.5
    • Out of 7,712 resumes selected in the simulated hiring process, 5,375 were two pages long, indicating that recruiters favored two-page resumes 2.3 times more than one-page ones.8
    • Participants were more likely to prefer two-page resumes for entry-level job openings, 2.6 times more likely for mid-level positions, and 2.9 times more likely for managerial-level roles.8
    • Two-page resumes achieved a 21% higher score, averaging 8.6, while one-page resumes averaged 7.1.8
    • Contrary to common belief, recruiters spend 2 minutes and 24 seconds on one-page resumes and 4 minutes and 5 seconds on two-page resumes.8
    • One-page resumes range from 350 to 500 words, and two-page resumes range from 700 to 850 words.8
    • 77% of companies consider a one-page resume inappropriate for an experienced worker.5
    • Not having a professional skills list on your resume is like having a one-year employment gap, both raise concerns.5
    • Only 35% of job applicants are deemed qualified for the positions they apply for.5
    The brief attention span of hiring managers, often under 30 seconds, places immense importance on resume customization and organization, significantly enhancing the likelihood of securing an interview. While longer, two-page resumes are generally favored for experienced candidates; they can be a double-edged sword, as some hiring managers prefer conciseness.Including crucial sections, like a professional skills list, becomes as critical as avoiding gaps in employment, reflecting the nuanced expectations in the job market. These insights paint a picture of an increasingly selective recruitment process, where tailored presentation and adherence to unwritten norms are crucial for standing out in a pool where only a minority of applicants are deemed fully qualified.
    • Among job seekers, approximately 60.6% use one-page resumes, 29.7% use two-page resumes, and less than 10% use three pages or more.5
    • However, 17% of hiring managers refuse to review resumes exceeding one page.5
    • The preferred file format for a resume is PDF, as it is compatible with most applicant tracking systems (ATS) and preserves the layout across different operating systems.5
    • According to nearly 70% of employers, the most crucial section of your resume is the list of your previous job experiences.5
    • Research shows that 54% of candidates neglect to customize their resumes according to the job description, which diminishes their chances of being invited for an interview.5
    • A concise resume summary of around 15 words placed at the top of your resume has been proven to grab the attention of hiring managers effectively.5
    • However, if a resume goal or summary is excessively long or filled with cliches, it can deter recruiters, causing them to think less of you in 29% of cases.5
    Most Common Resume Sections

    • There's a fine line with length; going below 475, even 450, to keep it short hurts your chances. Less than 450 resulted in lower interview rates (less than 5%, consistent with resumes over 600 words).14
    • Achieving that sweet spot results in a dense resume with an 8.2% interview rate.14
    • Recruiters prefer resumes with quantifiable achievements, but many resumes lack such details. The absence of result statements is a deal-breaker for 34% of recruiters.5
    • Recruiters recommend using action verbs and words related to leadership. Instead of terms like "helped" or "assisted," it's advisable to use "managed" and "led."5
    • Avoid excessive use of business jargon in your resume and focus on keywords, as the person reviewing your resume may not be an industry expert.5
    • It is crucial to follow the standard resume guidelines of the country you are applying to. For instance, in the United States, including a picture in your resume leads to rejection in over 80% of cases.5

    Crafting an effective resume is a crucial step in the job application process. The statistics and insights highlight the importance of tailoring your resume to the specific job, using quantifiable achievements, and adhering to your target country's preferred format and guidelines.

    Common Skills Used in Resumes

    You must emphasize your skills effectively to produce a persuasive and influential resume. Among these, specific universal skills hold significance for employers regardless of the industry or job position.

    These competencies indicate your qualifications and underscore your capacity to excel in the modern and ever-changing workplace.

    • Not using a list of professional skills can hurt a resume as much as one year of unemployment.6
    • Employers are in search of specific skills on resumes, with the most sought-after being problem-solving (37%), handling complex situations (32%), and communication (31%).5
    • A majority of resumes, 59% for hard skills and 62% for soft skills, meet the required criteria.5
    • The skills gap in the workforce has been increasingly evident, with a study showing that 69% of employers recognized a skills gap in 2023, a notable rise from 55% just two years prior.5
    • An overwhelming 87% of companies face challenges in finding suitable employees due to a skills gap.5
    • Despite lacking some of the necessary skills, 54% of workers actively pursue jobs.5
    • A significant 72% of job seekers believe that highlighting specific skills on their resumes played a crucial role in securing employment.5
    • Recruiters also frequently notice the absence of essential soft skills, such as critical thinking (29%), problem-solving (23%), creativity (17%), adaptability (16%), and communication (15%).5
    • Approximately 41% of hiring managers tend to review the skills section of a resume first.5
    • Although job titles often require more than 20 skills, most resumes typically list only around 13.5
    The disparity between the average number of skills listed in job descriptions and those mentioned on resumes suggests a gap in alignment, emphasizing the need for candidates to match their skills with employer expectations more closely. Interestingly, while a significant portion of resumes meet the criteria for hard and soft skills, recruiters frequently note the absence of specific technical and soft skills, reflecting a challenge in finding candidates with the right skill sets.This skills gap, acknowledged by many companies, underlines the importance for job seekers to continuously develop and showcase relevant skills, a strategy many believe is vital in securing employment. The fact that hiring managers prioritize the skills section further highlights its critical role in recruitment, underscoring applicants' need to articulate their competencies effectively.
    • Job postings emphasizing skills and tasks rather than qualifications have seen a 20% increase, underscoring the growing significance of skills in the job market.5
    • According to 16% of recruiters, soft skills hold more importance than hard skills in the hiring process.5
    • More than 40% of employers believe that the resumes of candidates do not effectively demonstrate their soft skills.5
    • Around 62% of job descriptions explicitly mention the need for applicants with leadership and management skills.5
    • Approximately 45% of job openings are in search of individuals with creative thinking abilities.5
    • A substantial 61% of companies place equal importance on both soft skills and hard skills.5
    The Top Skills on a Resume

    • Desirable soft skills encompass attributes such as attention to detail, leadership, effective time management, adaptability, and strong communication in the workplace.5
    • Many job postings typically highlight hard skills like proficiency in Microsoft Office and project management as essential qualifications.5
    • Over 85% of recruiters have suspicions that candidates tend to exaggerate their skills on their resumes.5
    • One of the most prominent resume trends for 2022 was the inclusion of soft skills as a crucial component.5

    Employers increasingly seek candidates with the right qualifications and essential soft skills such as leadership, adaptability, and effective communication. Tailoring resumes to highlight these skills can significantly boost a candidate's chances of success.

    Cover Letter Statistics

    A cover letter is a formal document accompanying a job application, typically submitted alongside a resume or CV. It serves as an introduction to the applicant and is addressed to the potential employer or hiring manager.

    • Almost half (47%) of job seekers compose cover letters.6
    • More than a quarter (26%) of recruiters consistently read cover letters, considering them important for hiring decisions.6
    • Including a cover letter is said to increase hiring managers' attention to an application by up to 38%.6
    • Nearly half of the recruiters (45%) state that lacking a cover letter may lead to the rejection of a job application.6
    • Around 70% of employers favor cover letters that are half a page or shorter.6
    • 83% of survey respondents indicated that cover letters play an important role in their hiring decisions.7
    • A strong cover letter can sometimes keep a job applicant in contention for a role they might have been overlooked for.7
    • For jobs where employees apply directly, like through email, 64% of respondents require cover letters.7
    • 61% of respondents demand cover letters for positions advertised on online platforms like job boards or career sites.7
    • 26% of cover letters suffer from formatting issues, making them hard to read.5
    • A substantial 41% of cover letters simply copy the resume verbatim, lacking original content.5
    • Approximately 44% of cover letters do not effectively emphasize or discuss the skills of the job seeker.5
    The omission of cover letters by a significant portion of job seekers contrasts sharply with the preferences of many employers, especially in medium-sized businesses and startups, who value this addition. Despite a notable number of hiring personnel not reading cover letters, their inclusion is often perceived as a sign of motivation. It provides deeper insights into a candidate's character and suitability.However, challenges persist, such as the tendency of applicants to exceed the preferred length, encounter formatting issues, or merely replicate their resume content in cover letters, all of which diminish their potential impact. The failure of many cover letters to effectively highlight the applicant's skills further underscores the need for a more strategic and thoughtful approach in their composition.
    • Over 47.4% of job applicants choose to submit a cover letter only when explicitly requested by the company.5
    • Approximately 31.1% of job seekers opt not to include a cover letter in their applications.5
    • About 21.5% of respondents consistently include a cover letter with all their job applications.5
    • 35.4% of those who send cover letters customize them for each specific job application.5
    • On the other hand, 30.5% of job seekers use the same cover letter for all their job applications.5
    • A majority, 63% of employers, prefer to receive resumes and cover letters tailored to the specific job opening.5
    • The majority, 61% of employers, believe that a unique application, which includes a personalized cover letter, is the most effective way for a candidate to stand out.5
    • A significant 40% of hiring managers acknowledge that cover letters can bring more attention to a job application.5
    • Approximately 26% of employers consider cover letters to be an essential factor when deciding whom to hire.5
    • Not listing skills in a cover letter can decrease the chances of getting an interview by as much as 35%.5
    Recruiters and Cover Letters

    • 70% of employers agree that a half-page is the ideal length for a cover letter.5
    • Around 47% of job applicants include a cover letter with their applications.5
    • For 76% of applicants, the use of inappropriate email addresses on their CVs poses a risk of their applications being discarded.5
    • CVs are rejected in 43% of cases due to issues like third-person writing or numerous language or grammar errors.5
    • A significant 38% of HR professionals state that a cover letter increases the likelihood of an application being carefully reviewed.5
    • When a job advertisement indicates that a cover letter is optional, only 35% of applicants opt to include one.7
    • When a job ad requires a cover letter, only 38% of candidates submit it.7
    • 74% of respondents prefer receiving job applications with separate cover letters from the resume.7
    • Additionally, 77% of recruiters favor candidates who include a cover letter, even when not required.7
    • 72% of recruiters expect cover letters, regardless of whether the job ad states they are optional.7
    • 63% believe cover letters clarify an applicant's motivation to join a company.7
    • 50% view cover letters as useful for outlining career objectives.7
    • Another 50% consider cover letters crucial for explaining job or career changes.7
    • 49% value cover letters for addressing employment gaps.7
    • 47% find cover letters essential in highlighting professional achievements.7

    Cover letters remain a significant aspect of the job application process, with varying opinions among employers and job seekers alike. While some employers believe that a personalized cover letter is the best way for candidates to distinguish themselves and consider cover letters necessary in their hiring decisions, others may not read them at all.

    Resume Rejection Statistics

    Behind every successful job application is a carefully crafted resume that gets noticed. But what about the ones that don't make the cut? This section dives into the fascinating world of resume rejection statistics, revealing the hard truths and valuable insights that can help you fine-tune your job-seeking game.

    • Recruiters typically form their opinions on a candidate's resume within 60 seconds, so even a minor mistake like a spelling error can lead to your application being rejected.9
    • 1 out of every 5 recruiters reject candidates before completing their resume review.9
    • 10% of job seekers applied for 50 or more jobs without any response.9
    • 59% of recruiters reject candidates with poor grammar or spelling errors, as these errors suggest carelessness and lack of resume proofreading.9
    • Excessive design elements, including flashy borders, unsuitable fonts, clipart images, and emojis, deter more than 40%.9
    • Hiring managers are particularly discouraged by language or spelling mistakes (77%), unprofessional email addresses (35%), and a lack of quantifiable results (34%) on resumes.5
    • Approximately 35% of job applicants are genuinely well-suited for the positions they apply for.5
    • The majority of resumes, approximately 97-98%, do not result in interviews, with only 2-3% leading to interview opportunities.5
    The widespread use of applicant tracking systems, especially at big companies such as those listed in the Fortune 500, highlights the need for keyword optimization in resumes. Some applicants provide false information, and with managers spending just seconds on each resume, clarity and accuracy are crucial. So, customizing and perfecting your resume is essential in a competitive job market.
    • Writing about oneself in the third person can result in over 40% of employers rejecting the application.5
    • Under 50% of recruiters report that candidates are rejected because their resumes are excessively long.5
    Recruiters' Top 5 Reasons for Resume Rejections

    • As many as 72% of applicants confess to including false information on their resumes.5
    • A significant number of interviewers hold the belief that job applicants are deficient in essential soft skills.5
    • Approximately 36% of resumes are discarded because they are too generic.5
    • Approximately 73% of resumes are rejected because the work experience listed does not align with the requirements specified in the job advertisement.5
    • Exceeding 600 words reduces your chances of getting hired by 43%.14
    • Resumes exceeding the acceptable length were 72% less likely to be hired.14

    Job applications are tricky. Avoid third-person and long resumes – they're usually a turn-off. Be honest, since lots of people get caught stretching the truth. Make your resume specific to the job, and apply for jobs that best fit your skill set. Short and genuine is the way to go to stand out.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. What is a resume?

    A resume concisely summarizes your education, work experience, skills, and accomplishments. It is typically used when applying for jobs, internships, or other opportunities.

    Q2. What should be included in a resume?

    A resume should include your contact information, a summary or objective statement, work experience, education, skills, and any relevant additional sections like certifications, awards, or volunteer work.

    Q3. How long should my resume be?

    Ideally, a resume should be one page for those with less than 10 years of work experience. However, individuals with extensive experience may have a two-page resume.

    Q4. What is the difference between a resume and a CV (curriculum vitae)?

    A resume concisely summarizes your skills and experience, typically limited to one or two pages. A CV, on the other hand, is more detailed and can be longer. CVs are often used in academic, research, or international contexts.

    Q5. Should I include a photo on my resume?

    In many countries, including the United States and Canada, including a photo on a resume is not common. However, it may be more acceptable in other countries, such as those in Europe and Asia. Be sure to research local practices before including a photo.

    To Conclude

    Crafting a standout resume is crucial for job seekers. Aligning with this data can boost your interview chances, which, in turn, opens doors to new job opportunities.

    Remember, keep your resume concise; two pages are often preferred, though three can work in certain fields. Also, highlight relevant skills, but avoid overused buzzwords like "team player," as they may hinder your chances of securing an interview.

    flair streamlines the recruitment process by integrating advanced features that help hiring managers evaluate resumes more efficiently. Using AI, flair can parse and analyze resumes in seconds, extracting key information such as work experience, skills, and educational background. The hiring manager then receives a score for each applicant, allowing them to prioritize communication with the most-suitable candidates.

    Improve the Candidate Experience With flair

    By leveraging AI, flair enhances hiring managers’ ability to match candidates with suitable job opportunities, significantly reducing the time and effort involved in manual resume screening.


    1. Career Builder Report
    2. Motley Fool
    3. Career Sidekick
    4. LinkedIn Report
    5. MarketSplash
    6. Zippia
    7. Yahoo Finance
    8. Resumego
    9. The Undercover Recruiter
    10. Enhancv
    11. Mohawk College
    12. Resume Go Study
    13. Cultivated Culture
    14. The Ladders

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