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Katrin Kizilkan

Katrin Kizilkan

  • 21 Articles
HR Lexicon

140 Job Satisfaction Statistics: Factors, Benefits, and Trends

Explore the latest job satisfaction statistics in our modern world: why it matters more than ever, its impact on performance, and tips for business success.

Katrin Kizilkan Katrin Kizilkan
  • 05 Nov 2023
  • Max 18 min read

The Big Job Interview: Tips and Tricks

First impressions play a critical role in job interviews. Candidates should strive to make a favorable impression to seal the deal and become a new recruit, while employers must present their company in a positive light to attract top talent.

Katrin Kizilkan Katrin Kizilkan
  • 24 Mar 2023
  • Max 8 min read

The Importance of Creating an Employee Code of Conduct

A code of conduct sets ethical standards of behavior that align with a company’s core values. It governs how employees and managers should behave toward one another and with customers and business partners.

Katrin Kizilkan Katrin Kizilkan
  • 31 Jan 2023
  • Max 7 min read

Reduce Your Employee Turnover Rate and Improve Employee Retention

Companies need to redefine the employee experience to prevent high turnover rates. Find out the main reasons employees leave companies and how to better retain your top performers.

Katrin Kizilkan Katrin Kizilkan
  • 24 Jan 2023
  • Max 9 min read

Personalize Your Employee Development Program

Employee development is an important factor in employee retention and should be a central part of every employee’s career path. Here’s a summary of the key points.

Katrin Kizilkan Katrin Kizilkan
  • 23 Jan 2023
  • Max 9 min read
HR Lexicon

Employee Experience: The Competitive Advantage for Your Company

The employee experience is a crucial differentiator that improves employee retention and contributes to your company’s bottom line. These practical tips and examples show you how to enhance the entire employee journey.

Katrin Kizilkan Katrin Kizilkan
  • 09 Dec 2022
  • Max 8 min read
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