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140 Job Satisfaction Statistics: Factors, Benefits, and Trends

140 Job Satisfaction Statistics: Factors, Benefits, and Trends

140 Job Satisfaction Statistics: Factors, Benefits, and Trends

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Workplace dynamics are evolving swiftly in a world increasingly defined by screens, online meetings, and virtual collaborations. As we adapt to these changes, job satisfaction—the intrinsic and extrinsic fulfillment of work —has garnered attention and discussion.

Simply put, it's about how content one feels with their role, the environment, the team dynamics, and the rewards that come with it. The benefits? A satisfied employee tends to be more engaged, productive, and less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere.

As we continue to embrace this wave of technological advancements, understanding and prioritizing job satisfaction becomes essential for businesses aiming for longevity and individuals seeking personal and professional growth.

Editor's Top Picks
  • 81% of employees consider leaving their jobs due to job dissatisfaction. 10
  • 79% of employees state that clear opportunities for career progression significantly impact their job satisfaction. 24
  • Disengaged employees cost organizations between $450 billion to $550 billion annually. 54
  • Employees with low job satisfaction are three times more likely to report symptoms of depression. 90
  • Global Overview of Job Satisfaction Statistics

    The concept of job satisfaction has evolved into a pivotal aspect of the modern workforce. Beyond mere contentment, it embodies a profound sense of fulfillment and well-being derived from occupation.

    As organizations from various corners of the globe delve into its intricacies, their diverse perspectives and definitions illuminate the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon. In this section, we unravel the significance of job satisfaction, exploring its relevance and benefits in our rapidly evolving digital society.

    • According to Gallup, in Europe, merely 13% of employees exhibit engagement in their jobs, signifying their deep passion for their work and strong connection to their company.1
    • 85% of respondents to a Gallup worldwide employee survey admit to hating their jobs when surveyed anonymously.1
    • Northern European countries consistently report the highest job satisfaction levels, often over 80%.3
    • In 2023, the U.S. career progression rate hovered around 52%, declining from previous years.4
    • In contrast, only 20% of Canadian, British, Swiss, and Australian employees report high job satisfaction.5
    • Over 63% of employees in the U.S. report dissatisfaction with their current job roles, with primary concerns being work-life balance and job security.6
    • Companies with satisfied employees outperform competitors by 20%.7
    • Organizations with high job satisfaction rates witness 31% more productivity and 37% higher sales.8
    • High job satisfaction is linked with a 27% reduction in absenteeism.9
    • 81% of employees consider leaving their jobs due to job dissatisfaction.10
    • 69% of employees would be more motivated to work harder if they believed their efforts were acknowledged and recognized more effectively.11
    • 80% of HR professionals agree that job satisfaction's primary determiner is the relationship between the employee and the supervisor.12
    A striking discrepancy in job satisfaction has been observed across various regions. Northern Europe has shown impressive satisfaction rates, contrasted by the marked dissatisfaction in East Asia and Middle East regions.

    This disparity isn't merely about morale; it translates into tangible business outcomes. It's been found that companies flourishing with contented employees not only stand tall against competitors but also enjoy heightened productivity and sales.
    • 74% of workers would be willing to take a pay cut for the opportunity to work from a location of their choice.13
    • 42% of individuals believe that their organizations' purpose statements have a significant impact, while 72% think that purpose should take precedence over profits.14
    • 55% of full-time employees prioritize a work-life balance over salary.15
    • Job satisfaction rates are 10% higher in companies with regular feedback and recognition practices.16
    • 16% of millennials report changing jobs or sectors due to climate concerns, and an additional 25% of Gen Zs and 23% of millennials intend to do so in the future.17
    • 68% of employees believe training and development is the most crucial workplace policy.18
    • Lack of appreciation is cited as a critical reason for leaving by 79% of employees who decide to quit their jobs.19
    • Employees with friends at work are 7 times more likely to be engaged in their jobs.20
    • Latin American countries report a 70% satisfaction rate, primarily attributed to strong workplace relationships.21
    • African countries report an average job satisfaction rate of 45%, with significant concerns being job security and growth opportunities.22
    Percentage of Satisfied Employees at Work as of 2023

    • 77% of Australian employees report job satisfaction due to work-life balance and organizational culture.23
    • 72% of employees believe that respectful treatment of all employees at all levels is a primary factor contributing to job satisfaction.24
    • 64% of employees list benefits as a significant contributor to job satisfaction.25
    • 60% of employees would prefer a job they love over a job they hate, even if the preferred job offers half the pay.26
    • 65% of employees said they'd prefer a new boss over a pay raise.27
    • Remote workers exhibit a 57% higher job satisfaction likelihood than their on-site counterparts.28

    Ultimately, the global exploration of job satisfaction reveals its profound impact on individuals and organizations. Understanding what satisfies employees transcends geographical boundaries, shedding light on the importance of meaningful work.

    As we focus on the factors influencing job satisfaction, we'll dive into the core elements that shape this vital aspect of our professional lives. From the nature of the job to workplace culture, these factors hold the key to fostering a fulfilling work experience in an ever-evolving world.

    Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction Statistics

    Exploring the intricacies of job satisfaction, we look at the internal and external factors shaping our professional contentment. Internally, it's the very nature of our work, the avenues for growth, our interactions with peers and supervisors, and the tangible rewards that influence our daily job experience.

    Beyond the cubicle, external factors like workplace atmosphere, organizational values, and the elusive work-life equilibrium play pivotal roles in our overall job satisfaction. In an era where the professional landscape constantly evolves, understanding these influences can guide us toward fulfillment and productivity in our careers.

    • 85% of employees report greater job satisfaction when they believe their work is meaningful and contributes positively to the company or society.10
    • 72% of workers say that job variety and the ability to learn new skills make their work more satisfying.29
    • 65% of professionals rank challenging work that tests their limits as a critical factor for job satisfaction.22
    • 79% of employees state that clear opportunities for career progression significantly impact their job satisfaction.24
    • 60% of younger employees (ages 18-34) say that a clear career path is essential to their job satisfaction, compared to 45% of those aged 50 and above.30
    • 75% of workers believe ongoing training opportunities increase job satisfaction.31
    • 88% of employees feel that positive relationships with colleagues enhance job satisfaction.32
    • 82% of workers report that having a supportive supervisor significantly impacts their job happiness.33
    • 70% of employees believe that regular and constructive feedback from their supervisor enhances their job satisfaction.34
    • 90% of workers state that fair compensation correlates with job satisfaction.35
    • 78% of employees believe comprehensive health benefits are crucial for job contentment.36
    • 66% of workers say flexible benefits tailored to individual needs (e.g., childcare or gym memberships) enhance job satisfaction.37
    In today's work landscape, most people value the sense of purpose and contribution, clearly tying job satisfaction to perceived meaningfulness. This sentiment is echoed when variety and new learning opportunities are provided, subtly highlighting the human yearning for growth.

    A positive environment—fostered through supportive colleagues, understanding supervisors, or regular feedback—has been noted as pivotal.

    Meanwhile, more tangible elements, from fair compensation to personalized benefits, are not left behind, underlining the holistic nature of true job satisfaction. For marketers, understanding these intertwined motivations is critical to crafting resonant messages and experiences.
    • 84% of employees report that a comfortable, ergonomically designed workplace directly impacts job satisfaction.38
    • 73% of workers state that natural light in a workspace can significantly enhance mood and productivity, increasing job satisfaction.39
    • 80% of employees feel that a workplace with the necessary tools and technology positively affects their job satisfaction.33
    • 92% of workers believe working in a company with a solid and positive organizational culture increases job satisfaction.40
    • 87% of employees state that transparency from management about company direction and values enhances their job satisfaction.33
    • 74% of professionals feel that companies prioritizing diversity and inclusion have higher levels of employee satisfaction.41
    • 95% of employees consider work-life balance a key determinant for job satisfaction.42
    • 83% of workers say flexible working hours are a top factor for job contentment.43
    • 76% of employees believe that the ability to work remotely, when needed, enhances their job satisfaction.44
    • 70% of professionals say that companies that promote mental well-being and provide resources for mental health have higher job satisfaction scores.45
    Most Important Factors for Job Satisfaction

    • Employees who believe their voices are heard at work are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to excel in their roles.46
    • Organizations that actively encourage a balance between work and personal life see a 25% higher employee satisfaction rate.33
    • Employees who report having friends at work have a 50% higher degree of satisfaction with their job.47
    • Companies that offer professional development programs are reported to have a 34% higher employee satisfaction rate.48
    • 64% of employees feel they need a more substantial work culture, leading to decreased satisfaction and engagement.33
    • Employees in organizations who recognize their efforts are 2.3 times more likely to say they're happy in their roles.49

    These internal and external influences shape our daily experiences, affecting work productivity, loyalty, and well-being. As we transition into the next section exploring the benefits of high job satisfaction, we'll witness how a contented workforce contributes to enhanced productivity, reduced turnover, and a thriving workplace atmosphere.

    In the age of remote work, where the dynamics have shifted, we'll find out the impact of these factors on job satisfaction and strategies to maintain it in remote setups.

    The Benefits and Impact of Remote Job Satisfaction Statistics

    Job satisfaction has become the crucial cornerstone of modern employment. It's not just about contentment; it's a catalyst for improved productivity and performance. It is pivotal in reducing turnover rates, curbing absenteeism, and fostering a positive workplace culture.

    Understanding this shift's impact on job satisfaction becomes paramount as we navigate the remote work age. This section explores the intricate connection between remote work and job satisfaction while understanding the strategies for maintaining it in today's digitalized work environment.

    • Employees with high job satisfaction are up to 31% more productive.47
    • Workers at companies that actively support well-being efforts are 89% more likely to recommend their company as an excellent workplace.50
    • Delighted employees are 87% less likely to leave their organization.51
    • Happy employees outperform the competition by 20%.29
    • Firms with engaged employees enjoy a substantial 233% increase in customer loyalty.52
    • Productivity improves by 20-25% in organizations with connected employees.53
    • Disengaged employees cost organizations between $450 billion to $550 billion annually.54
    • Companies with engaged employees see a 65% decreased turnover.55
    • Engaged employees take 57% fewer sick days.29
    • 85% of employees feel more engaged when their colleagues actively encourage and support them.10
    • A 10% increase in perceptions of meaningful work predicts lower absenteeism and a 60% increase in job satisfaction.56
    • 70% of employees ranked being empowered to take action when a problem occurs as an essential engagement element.34
    When employees are satisfied and supported, their productivity is often supercharged, creating ripple effects that echo throughout an organization.

    Customer loyalty, often considered a critical business metric, sees an impressive boost when employees are fully engaged, highlighting the relationship between internal motivation and external success.

    At the heart of it all, empowering individual employees to address challenges underscores the essentiality of fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect.
    • Employees who report experiencing happiness in their work take only 10% of the sick days compared to unhappy employees.29
    • Firms prioritizing employee well-being experience a remarkable 125% return on investment through enhanced productivity.57
    • 62% of high-stress employees report being disengaged, compared to 29% of those with low stress.33
    • 77% of remote workers report higher job satisfaction.58
    • 32% of remote workers say the most significant benefit is a flexible schedule.59
    • Remote workers express a 29% higher likelihood of reporting happiness in their roles than their on-site counterparts.60
    • 84% of employees feel that remote work helps them achieve a better work-life balance.61
    • 90% of remote workers plan to work remotely for the rest of their careers.62
    • Remote workers, on average, save approximately $4,000 per year, leading to an overall increase in satisfaction with their compensation.63
    • 68% of remote workers say they'd like their employers to provide better technology options for virtual communication.64
    The Top Jobs With the Highest Satisfaction

    • Regular check-ins: 63% of remote workers want daily or weekly interactions with their supervisors.33
    • 74% of remote workers believe that various communication tools, rather than just one, improve engagement and productivity.33
    • 52% of remote workers consider choosing their work environment as a critical factor affecting their productivity and job satisfaction.33
    • 79% of workers who can work remotely say flexible working makes them more productive.61
    • 57% of remote workers believe their maximum effective workweek is less than 40 hours when working remotely.33
    • Companies that embrace remote work experience a 25% reduction in employee turnover compared to those that do not.65

    The significance of job satisfaction in the contemporary work landscape serves as a linchpin for heightened productivity, a remedy for reducing turnover and absenteeism, and cultivating positive workplace morale.

    In the next section, we'll look into commonly used scales, qualitative approaches, and strategies to enhance job satisfaction, including employee engagement initiatives, training and development opportunities, feedback mechanisms, and well-being programs, all in the pursuit of a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce.

    Measuring and Improving Job Satisfaction Statistics

    Understanding job satisfaction is crucial in today's workplace. In this next section, we gain insights into employee needs through tools like job satisfaction surveys and in-depth qualitative methods like interviews. Beyond statistics, interviews capture deeper feelings.

    This article suggests strategies for enhancing job satisfaction in the digital age, including engagement initiatives, training, feedback systems, and well-being programs. These methods highlight the need for a fulfilling work environment in our digital world.

    • 82% of companies globally measure job satisfaction at least once a year.66
    • Job satisfaction levels have risen by 12% over the past five years.67
    • Only 48% of employees believe job satisfaction surveys reflect their sentiments.33
    • The Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) is utilized by 65% of Fortune 500 companies.68
    • 74% of HR professionals believe the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (JSQ) offers accurate insights.34
    • Customized job satisfaction scales have seen a 28% increase in usage over the past two years.34
    • 58% of companies incorporate qualitative methods such as interviews and focus groups into their evaluation.69
    • Employees are 35% more likely to be candid in one-on-one interviews than in surveys.70
    • Focus groups have identified workplace culture as the top factor affecting satisfaction in 41% of discussions.71
    • Companies with high job satisfaction report 24% lower turnover rates.67
    • 62% of employees state that growth opportunities significantly improve job satisfaction.34
    • Organizations that prioritize employee engagement witness a 19% increase in productivity.72
    In the business world, an emphasis is placed on understanding employee contentment, as evidenced by most companies tracking job satisfaction annually. While renowned corporations trust traditional scales like the JSS, a noticeable shift towards customized tools has recently been observed.

    Surprisingly, despite the rise in job satisfaction levels, many employees feel unheard of through conventional surveys. Incorporating personal touchpoints, like interviews, has not only proven to extract more genuine responses but also spotlighted the pivotal role of workplace culture.

    The clear link between job contentment, reduced turnover, and heightened productivity is an invaluable insight for crafting messages and experiences that truly resonate.
    • 70% of employees feel more satisfied when their achievements are recognized.34
    • Companies investing in regular employee training see a 33% rise in job satisfaction scores.29
    • 54% of employees consider a lack of training opportunities a reason to seek another job.73
    • Companies with open communication channels have a 27% higher job satisfaction rate.33
    • 68% of employees believe regular supervisor feedback enhances their job performance.34
    • Well-being programs lead to a 39% decrease in absenteeism.74
    • 73% of employees in companies with well-being programs report higher job satisfaction.34
    • Employees with flexible working arrangements are 45% more likely to report high job satisfaction.75
    • 82% of millennials consider flexible working hours a significant factor when choosing a job.76
    • Companies offering remote work options saw a 21% decrease in turnover.62

    Job Satisfaction Based on Family Income

    Amount Percentage of Satisfied Employed Adults (%)
    All 49%
    Less than $30,000 39%
    $30,000 - $74,999 45%
    $75,000+ 59%

    • In the last three years, 67% of companies have significantly changed their job satisfaction measurement tools.34
    • Small businesses are 30% less likely to measure job satisfaction than large corporations regularly.77
    • Companies that use quantitative and qualitative methods report a 29% clearer understanding of employee needs.78
    • 77% of HR managers believe regular training is the most effective strategy for boosting job satisfaction.34
    • 64% of employees would choose a lower-paying job if it offered better well-being programs.79
    • With the rise of digital platforms, 71% of companies now conduct job satisfaction surveys online.33

    Through well-established tools like the Job Satisfaction Survey or qualitative methods like interviews and focus groups, gauging employee contentment is crucial. Improving job satisfaction is not merely a corporate buzzword; it directly impacts employee engagement and overall well-being.

    Training, feedback channels, and flexible working arrangements are essential in nurturing a motivated workforce. As we move onto the consequences of low job satisfaction, it becomes evident that fostering employee contentment is a strategic necessity for reducing turnover, enhancing commitment, boosting productivity, and safeguarding both mental and physical health.

    Consequences of Low Job Satisfaction Statistics

    Did you know that over 50% of employees globally have expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs?11 The ripple effects of low job satisfaction don't just halt at office corridors; they extend to touch every facet of business operations and personal lives.

    The stakes are high, from increased staff turnover, regular absences, and overall productivity decline. Understanding these consequences can be crucial for employees' well-being and businesses' health in a world driven by connectivity and instant feedback.

    • 65% of employees globally report feeling some degree of job dissatisfaction.80
    • 1 in 3 workers considers quitting their job within the next year due to dissatisfaction.81
    • Companies with high job dissatisfaction experience a 25% higher employee turnover rate.82
    • Due to absenteeism, businesses lose an average of 15 workdays per year per unsatisfied employee.83
    • The costs of replacing an unsatisfied employee can vary between 50% to 200% of their annual salary.84
    • Absenteeism linked to low job satisfaction results in a 20% reduction in team productivity.85
    • Only 40% of unsatisfied employees express loyalty to their current employer.26
    • Unsatisfied employees are 50% more likely to decline to participate in optional company events or training.86
    • 30% of unsatisfied employees have not seen themselves at their current job in two years.87
    • Companies with high job dissatisfaction report a 20% drop in overall productivity.10
    • Unhappy employees spend an average of 2 hours daily not fully engaged in their tasks.88
    • Low job satisfaction is linked to a 15% decrease in profitability for businesses.90
    In today's competitive market, a staggering 65% of the global workforce is touched by job dissatisfaction, subtly eroding the foundational pillars of businesses.11

    From significant productivity drops to an apparent lack of loyalty and engagement, the ripple effects are felt acutely by organizations both in lost days and financial costs.

    After all, in an environment where creativity and innovation are essential, the role of a satisfied and motivated team becomes undeniably paramount.
    • Employees with low job satisfaction are three times more likely to report symptoms of depression.90
    • 45% of workers feeling job dissatisfaction also report increased levels of work-related stress.91
    • 1 in 4 unsatisfied employees has sought counseling for work-related mental health issues.92
    • 35% of employees with low job satisfaction report sleep disturbances related to work concerns.93
    • Unsatisfied employees take 20% more sick days than their satisfied counterparts.94
    • 2 in 5 employees feeling job dissatisfaction complain of physical ailments directly related to work stress, like headaches or back pain.95
    • The global economy loses an estimated $450 billion annually due to low job satisfaction.96
    • Companies with high levels of job satisfaction have a 30% higher stock price growth annually.34
    • Businesses with satisfied employees have a 20% higher customer satisfaction rate.97
    • Teams with more than two members expressing job dissatisfaction have a 40% decrease in collaboration.33
    Job Satisfaction by Age in 2023

    • Unsatisfied employees are 60% less likely to contribute in team meetings positively.33
    • Companies with high job dissatisfaction report a 25% increase in internal conflicts.33
    • Companies with high levels of job dissatisfaction spend 35% more on training and retraining due to the consistent influx of new employees replacing departing ones.98
    • Businesses, where most employees report dissatisfaction, see a 28% drop in innovative ideas and suggestions from their workforce.99
    • Unsatisfied employees lead to a 15% increase in customer complaints due to reduced motivation and engagement in customer-facing roles.100
    • 70% of managers in companies with prevalent job dissatisfaction feel that their mentoring efforts could be more effective, resulting in a more substantial leadership pipeline.101

    As organizations navigate the complex world of job satisfaction, it's crucial to understand that disgruntled employees can lead to a costly cascade of consequences. The increased turnover and absenteeism not only drain resources but also disrupt continuity.

    Reduced organizational commitment weakens the fabric that holds a company together, while lower productivity stifles growth. Beyond the balance sheets, this article highlights the often overlooked toll on employees' mental and physical well-being. Recognizing and addressing these issues is not just a matter of corporate responsibility; it's a pragmatic imperative for thriving in the modern business landscape.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. Why is job satisfaction important?

    Job satisfaction is important because it can significantly impact an individual's overall well-being, motivation, and performance at work. Satisfied employees are generally more productive, engaged, open to change, and less likely to leave their jobs. For example, during the pandemic, maintaining high job satisfaction was especially crucial in adapting to new work environments and ensuring employee retention.

    Companies with strong training programs can enhance various aspects of their employees' jobs, contributing to higher satisfaction. Additionally, factors such as career growth, company culture, and bonus plans play a significant role in worker satisfaction. Boosting satisfaction to its highest levels can influence both in-office, part-time, or remote work arrangements.

    Q2. What factors contribute to job satisfaction?

    Various factors, including,

    • Work environment,
    • Relationships with colleagues and supervisors,
    • Compensation,
    • Work-life balance,
    • Opportunities for growth and development, and
    • The nature of the job itself can influence job satisfaction.

    Q3. How can I improve my job satisfaction?

    Improving job satisfaction often involves a combination of factors. It may include setting clear career goals, seeking opportunities for skill development, open communication with supervisors, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and finding meaning or purpose in your work.

    Q4. Can job satisfaction change over time?

    Yes, job satisfaction is not static and can change over time due to various factors such as personal growth, new job roles, work environment, and life circumstances. Changes in working conditions, work schedules, and the demographic makeup of the workforce can also influence job satisfaction.

    As employees experience different aspects of their jobs, such as new responsibilities or improved work-life balance, their levels of satisfaction may increase or decrease. Employers who regularly assess and adjust these factors can better support their workforce and maintain high levels of job satisfaction.

    Q5. Is job satisfaction solely the employee's responsibility, or should employers also play a role?

    Both employees and employers share responsibility for job satisfaction. Employees should actively seek roles that align with their interests and values, while employers should create a supportive and fulfilling work environment that promotes satisfaction and engagement.

    Final Word

    The pursuit of job satisfaction has emerged as a critical fundament in the world of work. As observed throughout this article, job satisfaction goes beyond just a pleasant work environment; it profoundly indicates overall well-being and productivity.

    In an age where remote work, virtual teams, and constant connectivity define our professional landscape, understanding and nurturing job satisfaction has never been more crucial.

    Job satisfaction guides individuals and organizations toward success and fulfillment. When employees find satisfaction in their roles, they become more engaged, creative, and resilient, contributing to higher productivity and innovation.

    flair focuses on enhancing job satisfaction through a multifaceted approach. By integrating advanced analytics and personalized employee engagement strategies, flair identifies vital factors contributing to workplace satisfaction.


    1. Gallup
    2. Medium
    3. European Data Journalism Network
    4. ADP Research Institute
    5. Zippia
    6. Pew Research Center
    7. City CV
    8. LinkedIn
    9. Gallup
    10. Haiilo
    11. Engagedly
    12. Microsoft
    13. USA Today
    14. McKinsey & Company
    15. Ciphr
    16. Gallup
    17. Deloitte
    18. Zippia
    19. HireDNA
    21. Great Place To Work
    22. PwC
    23. Financial Review
    24. Society For Human Resource Management
    25. Society For Human Resource Management
    26. Access Perks
    27. Forbes
    28. Zippia
    29. Lorman Education Services
    30. Pew Research Center
    31. Forbes
    32. HR Magazine
    33. Pumble
    34. Society For Human Resource Management
    35. Science Alert
    36. Eden Health
    37. The Citizen
    38. Verge Sense
    39. LinkedIn
    40. SelectSoftware Reviews
    41. EduMe
    42. National Institute of Health
    43. OfficeRnD
    44. Cisco
    45. Forbes
    46. Medium
    47. Harvard Business Review
    48. ClearCompany
    49. Oak Engage
    50. American Psychological Association
    51. Wellable
    52. Expressions Partnerships
    53. McKinsey & Company
    54. Zippia
    55. LinkedIn
    56. Emerald Insight
    57. Society For Human Resource Management
    58. Apollo Technical
    59. Buffer
    60. Owl Labs
    61. FlexJobs
    62. Forbes
    63. FlexJobs
    64. HubSpot
    65. CodeSubmit
    66. Gartner
    67. Forbes
    68. Scientific Research Publishing
    69. Deloitte
    70. YourThoughtPartner
    71. ResearchGate
    72. LinkedIn
    73. Wharton Online
    74. Enterprise Apps Today
    75. National Institute of Health
    76. FlexJobs
    77. OECD
    78. LinkedIn
    79. Deloitte
    80. Apollo Technical
    81. World Economic Forum
    82. Time Magazine
    83. Investopedia
    84. Enrich Financial Wellness
    85. CultureMonkey
    86. NPR
    87. Forbes
    88. Harvard Business Review
    89. Forbes
    90. ScienceDirect
    91. International Labor Organization
    92. American Psychological Association
    93. National Institute of Health
    94. LinkedIn
    95. National Institute of Health
    96. Gallup
    97. SurveySparrow
    98. IBM
    99. Fortune
    100. Sage Journals
    101. Mentor Resources

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