Origins to Innovation: Cloud Computing's Impact on HR
Do you know why it's called cloud computing and are you aware of the benefits to HR?

- 06 Jun 2024
- Max 11 min read
The Number One HR Solution on Salesforce
While there are plenty of fringe benefits to choose from for your business, you might find that certain ones will be more relevant for your particular workforce.
Like many people, you probably have never heard of fringe benefits. These are several perks that companies can offer to their key employees in addition to a traditional salary or wage.
Companies might provide these for various reasons, but they often want to attract top talent and reward hard work. This blog post will discuss:
A fringe benefit is a work-related perk that is not in an employee's salary or wage. These condition benefits may include company-sponsored health insurance, retirement plan matching contributions, tuition reimbursement programs, and more.
While each business will have its preferred types of employee fringe benefits (if any at all), let's look at a commonly enjoyed list of fringe benefits outside of employee taxable income.
Studies show that healthcare costs are the number one cause of personal bankruptcy in the United States. By providing employees with a company-sponsored healthcare plan, you can help them maintain their family's financial stability and health benefits.
It might shock you to learn how many workers do not have health insurance in the United States alone. Companies that provide health insurance as non-taxable fringe benefits like long-term care insurance for their employees do them a commendable service.
Employees need to have enough funds saved for retirement, and studies show that 401(k) contributions alone will not be sufficient by 2050. Providing your staff members with matching donations on a retirement account means they'll have more money when it comes time to retire.
Suppose you're an employer who offers tuition reimbursement programs as part of your employee fringe benefits. In that case, this tuition reduction is something to seriously consider if competitiveness or retention rates are important factors for success within your business.
Non-taxable fringe benefits increase the productivity and efficiency of your workforce. They're able to stay healthy, focus on their work more intently, and can also find success through a career with you that is fulfilling both personally and financially.
As an employer who offers fringe benefits as part of the employment package, these perks must provide financial stability for your employees and for yourself to ensure retention rates or competitiveness within the business sector.
This performance of services involves a business owner offering enough incentives for their employees to feel valued at work. Providing financial benefits to employees increases productivity due to less stress outside of office hours.
Employees who commute to their business premises using public transportation daily would benefit greatly from a bit of help getting around. Taxi, bus, or train fares can start to add up and drain an employee's salary, especially when you consider what is also due to the Internal Revenue Service.
One excellent fringe benefit would be a business vehicle that ferries employees that rely on public transportation to and from their homes. This company vehicle could act as a local shuttle so that employees can arrive promptly and safely to work daily.
These benefits are an essential part of the employment package. They may also include employee discounts, a great retirement plan, various assistance programs, adoption assistance, pension plans, and athletic facilities.
A fringe benefit is an additional way to offer your staff members the sense of security they need. Every day, people struggle to find employment, and some end up scraping by on part-time jobs that don't provide enough benefits, like group-term life insurance coverage or stability.
Providing them with health insurance, retirement plans, tuition reimbursement programs, and more can help alleviate this struggle because there's less financial stress outside of work hours.
Providing incentives like affordable health care as company-sponsored perks means that employee morale will increase as will their productivity levels (in addition to being more competitive in the workplace). It'll also reduce absenteeism rates which save employers money when dealing with HR issues related to team dynamics.
Employers who offer fringe benefit programs as part of their employment package will reap the rewards in the long term. These perks are an investment into your employees' happiness and well-being because they'll be more productive at work while providing a sense of security outside of office hours too.
As mentioned earlier, fringe benefits are paid for by the employer and are not part of the employee's annual salary. There are various types of fringe benefits that you can offer as part of your company-sponsored perks, including but not limited to:
You're able to choose what type of fringe benefit package best suits your business needs when it comes down to the business expenses vs. reward ratio. They all come with different price ranges depending on how many incentives you provide employees each year.
Also, consider the achievement awards and the additional-cost services you may need to cut down when incorporating this package.
Before starting up a new fringe benefit program within your company, it's essential to consider the following:
The purpose of fringe benefits is to provide an additional level of compensation for workers, independent contractors, and their families.
There are many different types of fringe benefits throughout the calendar year, including"
These help keep employees competitive in the work market during the calendar year by giving them access to valuable resources that they might not otherwise be able to get on their own without sacrificing a more significant percentage of their paycheck.
If you eliminated benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, or educational assistance from the workplace, it would disproportionately affect low and middle-income earners.
Employees who cannot obtain these benefits on their own either due to a high deductible or unaffordable premiums will be at risk for an increased financial burden that can impact productivity negatively. It also limits the number of positions lower-income workers may apply for in order not to exceed their allotted budget.
Internal revenue services help the company and its employees. Employees will generally carry out the proper valuation of the benefits to know them, whether for personal or family use.
A fringe benefit like employer-provided health care benefits will help maintain your employees' mental health and wellness. Your employees' positive mental health is crucial as it can affect their performance.
You want to make sure your company shows it cares for the team's well-being by offering a wide range of benefits that promote this well-being, including medical coverage. Your employee can also use dependent care assistance for personal use or a group and even an eligible child of theirs.
You should consider providing medicare coverage to your staff if you have more than 50 full-time hourly workers or 25 full-time salaried workers. This coverage offers your many employees peace of mind when taking off work sick or injured.
This option protects workers against any costs incurred from illness, such as prescriptions, doctors' visits, and hospital bills, and will help your employees to feel more confident in their decision.
If an employee has a severe medical condition, they may need to take time off work during which they won't be receiving any gross income and may not have been able to save up for this period away from work.
The employer should offer the option of paid sick leave where possible as part of its fringe benefits packages. This way, if anything does happen when it's least expected, at least you know there is some financial back-up available for them – even if it's only a few days' worth each year!
Paid sick leave is an excellent option for those out of work, ensuring they don't have to worry about finances while recovering.
The employer should consider providing a pension to the employee to encourage them to stay with your company. As we all know, there is a growing concern for our future retirements, and many employees will seek out benefits that contribute to a comfortable and safe future.
There are two types of annuities:
This pension type is activated when you put in money every month and receive a payout at retirement age. While defined contribution might seem like a good idea on paper, there is no guarantee that a person will have enough saved up, although some employers offer matching contributions.
In this case, the employer pays out monthly payments based on salary during an employee's served years and provides additional funds into a fund until they retire or resign from the position.
When considering whether employees will live off these benefits alone once retired, it would seem safer for both parties involved to choose a defined benefit. This contribution is more predictable than the defined contribution.
The employer needs to provide training and development on their business premises for personal use for employees to grow in their roles. This contribution will potentially lead an employee on a growth path within the company.
Team members should also have the opportunity to take part in external courses related to their field of work, which will help them become better at what they do and help your business stay competitive!
Remember that training and development is another key value for many employees. Those who feel stagnant in their current role are more likely to seek out positions with beneficial training programs.
Flexible working hours should be in the mix as it will allow your employees to tackle the day in different ways and with more control. If employees have more control over their workday's table of contents, they will feel a sense of autonomy that is crucial for lowering stress levels and increasing employee contentment.
This working schedule aspect is crucial for you because everyone can't work at one time. This flexibility could help ensure that there are no staffing gaps when needed most - which would also mean increased productivity from staff members who do want to work during those times.
If your company employs more than 20 full-time employees, you may need to offer unemployment insurance. This type of benefit protects the employee if they lose their job and provides them with financial support until they find another one.
It's worth noting this isn't necessary for all companies as the need varies depending on factors such as size and location. But remember, when considering what fringe benefits are suitable for your employees' well-being, make sure that you don't just consider your needs.
Voluntary benefits can help boost an individual's well-being by giving them access to things that might be out of their standard day-to-day budget, which otherwise wouldn't have been accessible without these types of extra work perks.
An example would be sending someone who has an illness to a regular course of treatment such as physiotherapy. You can offer this in the form of a gym membership, private healthcare, or other sorts of well-being benefits.
Perks like these will help your employees take care of their health and well-being while they're working for you.
An employer needs to offer maternity or paternity leave as a basic employee consideration. Employees must be safely able to take time off work after they've had a child without losing any earnings.
Sadly, there are many businesses where such benefits aren't available. A comprehensive maternity or paternity leave with unbiased content and no exclusion rules ensures that the relevant employees don't feel like they're taking a gamble.
In addition, providing such leave may encourage some mothers who are considering going back into employment sooner rather than later because of financial constraints. Certainly, parents don't want to worry about how their baby will be cared for while they're gone.
Dependent care assistance is an option for those who can, and wish, work while juggling children or other dependents.
With paid vacation days, employees won't feel pressured when taking time off and will be more satisfied with their general working conditions. In addition, paid vacation days are a great option as they will give employees time to be with their families, catch up on sleep, and relax - all things that can positively affect mental health.
Burnout is a real issue in the modern workplace, and regular vacations are essential for ensuring that employees have a lowered chance of reaching critically exhausted levels. Managers owe it to their employees to ensure that they can take off when their work-life becomes overwhelming.
Educational assistance is another excellent benefit for employees as it can help them get a better job and even advance in their current position.
This benefit will also be an advantage for your company because if people are more educated, they will likely have increased knowledge of what you're doing - which means they'll stick around longer! Programs like an MBA will improve your employee's abilities, skills, and business understanding, turning them into highly valued workers.
When childcare facilities or adoption facilities are available on-site or nearby, this helps the employee stay focused on work and provides peace of mind that someone will look after the children while gone from home.
There is a growing number of households where both parents work, and you might find that many of your employees are currently seeking the optimal family setup. So, consider making this parental support available where possible.
Transport benefits are an essential part of a good fringe benefits package. They can provide employees with the opportunity to save money and time and even improve their health while commuting.
Of course, a commuter may use more money to get to the business premises, but they will save more of their income with great commuting benefit plans.
For animal lovers, pet-friendly policies are a great way to stay sane while on the job. Doing this will also help your employees feel less stressed because they'll have something else to take care of - which is a vital human condition.
If you doubt that pets have a sane place in the office, you should know that they help employees build trust and communication. Unless you cannot stand the sight of cats, dogs, rabbits, or birds in the workplace, having a few sweet animals nearby can do wonders for your workplace peace and stress levels.
A meal plan option can be helpful as it means employees don't need to stop working or break away from what they're doing to get a bite. This option is also critical if an employee doesn't want their workday interrupted by having food delivered all the time but has no other choice.
Of course, the food that you provide should be of a healthy and high-quality standard. Employees that enjoy well-balanced and nutritious meals will enjoy more energy and drive.
It is now apparent that the more amenities, services, and benefits that a company provides to its employees, the more central their workplace becomes to their lives. It is in any business's best interests to have a more dedicated and available workforce.
However, some fringe benefits aren't mandatory business requirements.
Some fringe benefits not required by the law include but are not limited to:
When dealing with taxes, you should look at the relevant type of internal revenue service, tax returns, employment taxes, tax withholding, employee stock options, and taxable fringe benefits.
In addition, the market value of the fringe benefits is not subject to income tax. Proper valuation of surcharges will increase the market value of the benefits. Check out the employer's tax guide to learn more.
The benefits offered by a company are an essential thing to consider when deciding on potential work opportunities. Such services can make the difference between someone who is happy and satisfied with their jobs or not.
Remember that a troubling level of employee dissatisfaction can lead to increased employee turnover rates. A satisfying fringe benefits program should then be high on your list of priorities.
Of course, not every employee fringe benefit will be reasonable, practical, or even helpful. Managers need to invest plenty of time and resources into establishing what their workforce needs most.
For fringe benefits to be practical, there needs to be a proper valuation and clear communication between managers and employees. You should also make sure you're aware of all your rights relating to this topic.
Finally, please don't sign any contracts without reading them carefully first! You might find that a particular benefit sounds like a great idea on paper, but it is an unfeasible option when you regard the fine print.
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