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130 Team Building Statistics: Culture, Effectiveness, and Tools

130 Team Building Statistics: Culture, Effectiveness, and Tools

130 Team Building Statistics: Culture, Effectiveness, and Tools

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The success of any organization hinges on the strength and cohesion of its teams. Team building has become critical in fostering collaboration, enhancing productivity, and achieving common goals. 

To gain a deeper insight into the impact of team-building activities, let's dive into some engaging team-building statistics that shed light on the transformative power of teamwork.

Editor's Top Picks
  • More than 85% of those surveyed believe that the primary cause of project failures is the absence of collaboration and inadequate communication.5
  • Barriers in communication may result in an annual cost of approximately $37 billion for businesses.2
  • 66% are actively engaged in valuable online communities for remote work, such as Slack groups, message boards, forums, or meet-up communities.17
  • Following participation in team building activities, 63% of leaders observed an improvement in team communication, while 61% noted an enhancement in team morale.8
  • Among the most popular event options are team building (50%), after-work parties (46%), and seminars (44%).19

Teamwork and Team Building Statistics

The effectiveness of team building for companies cannot be underestimated. It's not just about creating a group of people, it's about fostering a cohesive unit that can achieve remarkable results together.

  • Organizations with a highly engaged workforce have the potential to double their revenue.3
  • Since the onset of COVID-19, there has been a staggering 25-fold increase in the number of companies adopting virtual team-building methods.3
  • Although almost 75% of employees consider collaboration essential for workplace engagement, only 18% have their communication skills assessed during performance reviews. Furthermore, a mere 27% receive training in communication.3
  • The composition of strengths within a team is less critical for engagement and performance than the team's awareness of those strengths.4
  • Increased engagement levels result in a 41% reduction in absenteeism, a 24% decrease in turnover in high-turnover organizations, a 17% boost in productivity, and a 21% rise in profitability.4
  • Successful teams begin with individuals who possess an understanding of their strengths and how these strengths benefit the team.4
  • Efficient teams consist of members who comprehend each other's talents and recognize their contributions to achieving success.4
  • To enhance performance, teams should harmonize their objectives with the strengths possessed by their members.4
  • Managers play a significant role in determining 70% of the variability in team engagement.21
  • More than 85% of those surveyed believe that the primary cause of project failures is the absence of collaboration and inadequate communication.5
The role of managers is pivotal, influencing a staggering 70% of team engagement variability.21 This highlights a crucial truth: a team's success hinges significantly on the leadership and the environment fostered by its managers.
  • Approximately 52% of respondents contemplated leaving their job because they didn't feel a sense of community.5
  • Almost 55% of workers have extended their tenure at a job beyond their initial plans because they experienced a strong sense of belonging and community.5
  • About 40% of survey participants stated that the most important reason for remaining at their current company is the opportunity to work with an exceptional team.5
  • Even the illusion of being part of a team increased participants' productivity by 65%, illustrating that a sense of team membership can enhance performance.5
  • Organizations that encourage collaboration are five times more likely to achieve better results.5
  • According to 33% of HR professionals, poor collaboration is a significant factor contributing to low employee morale.5

Addressing issues, such as gossip resulting from insufficient information, a lack of initiative, and inadequate recognition and rewards, can improve team productivity and morale.5

Reasons for Staying at Current Company
  • 39% of surveyed employees feel that there is insufficient collaboration among individuals within their organization.6
  • A staggering 97% of both employees and executives share the belief that a lack of alignment within a team has a direct impact on the results of tasks and projects.6
  • Approximately 86% of employees and executives point to a deficiency in collaboration and ineffective communication as the root causes of workplace failures.6
  • While around 75% of employers consider teamwork and collaboration to be of utmost importance, only 18% of employees undergo communication evaluations during their performance reviews.6
  • More than half (54%) of employees report that remaining at a company longer than originally intended is influenced by a strong sense of community, including great coworkers, celebrations of milestones, and a shared mission.6
  • For 37% of employees, their primary reason for staying with a company is the opportunity to work with an exceptional team.6
  • The ability to collaborate is a factor that enhances loyalty in 33% of employees.6
  • Company sales experience a 27% boost due to teamwork and workplace collaboration.7
  • Collaboration leads to a 34% enhancement in product quality and a 30% improvement in product development.7
  • "Inadequate communication" was identified as a primary work-related stress factor by 39% of survey participants.7
  • Another major source of workplace stress, as indicated by 28% of respondents, is team members not contributing sufficiently to projects.7

These statistics paint a compelling picture of the power of effective team building. As organizations strive to enhance productivity, foster innovation, and boost employee morale, the importance of investing in team building becomes clear.

Virtual Team Building Statistics on Digital Tools

The rise of remote work and virtual teams has transformed how we work, bringing opportunities and challenges. As organizations adapt to this new landscape, it's crucial to understand the impact of virtual team building.

  • Almost half (49%) of remote workers surveyed are fully remote workers, with 23% operating within a remote-first framework. A mere 11% find themselves in office-first arrangements that permit remote work.15
  • An impressive 93% of employees affirm that their organization has faith in their ability to work remotely.15
  • While just 38% of participants indicate that their company currently follows an asynchronous-first approach, a majority of 52% express a preference for such policies in the future.15
  • Since the onset of the pandemic, there has been a 44% rise in the adoption of collaboration tools among employees.14
  • Among those surveyed, 74% utilized storage/sharing tools, and 80% employed real-time mobile messaging applications.14
  • It is predicted that by 2024, face-to-face meetings in the corporate sector will decline from constituting 60% of all meetings to just 25%, largely due to the impact of remote work and shifting workforce demographics.14
  • IT leaders are advised to guarantee equal access to collaboration tools and resources for all meeting participants, irrespective of their location.14
  • Only 33% of companies are taking basic steps like introducing virtual coffee or tea breaks.16
  • 82% of remote employees report that their company encourages face-to-face interactions via events, summits, meet-ups, and similar activities.17
  • 66% are actively engaged in valuable online communities for remote work, such as Slack groups, message boards, forums, or meet-up communities.17
In a testament to workplace trust, 93% of employees report that their organizations confidently support their ability to excel in remote work settings.15 This reflects a significant leap in embracing flexibility and acknowledging the effectiveness of remote team dynamics.
  • 85% of employees utilize more than one device for communication at work, with 32% of them using three or more devices.1
  • Among those surveyed, 44% primarily use their computer for business communication, while smartphones come second at 36%, followed by desktop phones at 16% and tablets at 5%.1
  • 82% of workers prefer to receive voicemails in the form of text messages.1
  • Approximately 36% of respondents occasionally delete voicemails without listening to them.1
  • 95% of those surveyed express their intention to use business communication tools instead of in-person meetings, including email (48%), mobile (20%), desk phones (10%), text messaging (8%), and web meetings (8%).1
  • 44% of employees desire broader adoption of internal business communication tools.1
  • According to 37% of respondents, Skype is not ideal for business purposes.1
  • Full-time remote workers spend 48% less time engaged in collaboration compared to their in-office counterparts.7
  • Employees working online allocate 62% of their time to focused tasks, 27% to collaborative efforts, 6% to learning activities, and 5% to social interactions.7
  • Roughly 45% of workers believe that utilizing online social networks for collaboration enhances workplace productivity.7
Company Activities To Create a Team Spirit for Remote Workers
  • While using online collaboration tools for work, 41% of distractions stem from personal conversations, and 39% result from incoming requests diverting attention from ongoing tasks and projects.7
  • Approximately 90% of businesses employ some form of online collaboration tool for their internal communications.7
  • Microsoft Teams is the preferred choice for 31% of businesses, followed by Microsoft Skype for Business at 27%, Google Chat at 21%, Cisco WebEx Teams at 15%, and Zoom at 13%.7
  • Among employees aged 18 to 29, 25% use video conferencing daily at work, and 51% of respondents believe that companies using video conferencing are more innovative.7
  • 40% of employees express a desire for stricter regulations regarding the use of online collaboration tools in the workplace.7
  • 60% of workers believe that enforcing such rules would enhance work-life balance, and 42% think it would establish clear expectations for the usage of online collaboration tools.7

In a world where distance is no longer a barrier to collaboration, virtual team building is a vital component of modern work environments. The statistics reveal that remote teams can be just as effective, if not more so, with the right strategies and tools than their in-person counterparts.

Team Communication Statistics

Effective communication lies at the heart of every successful team. It is the glue that holds individuals together and ensures everyone is on the same page. 

  • More than four-fifths (85%) of employees utilize multiple devices for work-related communication, with 32% employing three or more devices.1
  • Among the surveyed workforce, 44% primarily utilize their computer for business communication, followed by smartphones at 36%, desktop phones at 16%, and tablets at 5%.1
  • A significant majority of workers (82%) express a preference for receiving voicemails in text format, and 36% admit to occasionally deleting voicemails without listening to them.1
  • An overwhelming 95% of survey participants plan to replace in-person meetings with business communication tools. The favored tools include email (48%), mobile devices (20%), desk phones (10%), text messaging (8%), and web meetings (8%).1
  • Despite the decreasing prevalence of face-to-face meetings, there remains a strong desire for visual interaction, driving the demand for visual meetings as a substitute for in-person engagements.1
  • Nearly half (44%) of employees are advocating for broader adoption of internal business communication tools.1
  • While applications like Skype enjoy popularity for personal use, 37% of respondents express reservations about its suitability for professional communication.1
  • Barriers in communication may result in an annual cost of approximately $37 billion for businesses.2
  • On an individual basis, each worker incurs a yearly cost of $26,041 due to decreased productivity stemming from communication barriers.2
In the business world, poor communication can be incredibly costly, leading to a staggering $37 billion in losses annually.2 This highlights the crucial need for effective team building to bridge communication gaps and drive success.
  • Companies led by highly proficient communicators among their leadership witnessed a 47% greater total return to shareholders over the last five years when compared to firms where communication effectiveness among leaders was lower.2
  • Strong written communication skills are desired by 73% of employers.22
  • It was reported by 93% of employers that possessing the ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and solve intricate problems is crucial.22
  • Furthermore, 75% of employers emphasized the need for enhanced emphasis on written communication skills at the college level.22
  • "Poor communication" was identified as a top work-related stressor by 39% of survey participants.7
  • Poor communication has led to a decrease in trust in leadership and among team members for more than 40% of employees.18
  • On average, employees dedicate 20 hours per week to using digital communication tools.18
  • Digital communication has strengthened the connection to their teams for 45% of employees.18
  • Due to digital communication, 58% of workers feel compelled to be available more frequently.18
  • The increased use of digital communication has resulted in 60% of employees experiencing higher levels of burnout.18
  • Ineffectual communication hurts the productivity of nearly half of the workforce.18
Time Spent Using Digital Communication Tools Per Week
  • A significant 42% of employees find themselves stressed to convey the appropriate tone when crafting responses.18
  • Google Meet is utilized by 40% of respondents, while Zoom is preferred by 46%.18
  • VoIP systems are employed by 37% of remote workers, 23% of in-office workers, and 24% of hybrid workers.18
  • Among remote workers, Zoom and Google Chat are considered the most effective methods by 22% of respondents.18
  • Since the onset of COVID-19, 45% of employees feel a stronger connection to their team.18
  • Approximately 16% of survey participants allocate 21 to 25 hours per week to digital communication platforms.18
  • Nearly one-quarter (25%) of workers consistently feel pressured to remain connected to colleagues outside of regular working hours.18
  • Job satisfaction is negatively affected by ineffective communication, as reported by 49% of respondents.18

The statistics on team communication leave no room for doubt – clear and open communication is the cornerstone of productive teamwork. Whether reducing conflicts, improving decision-making, or fostering innovation, effective communication is the key to unlocking a team's full potential. Organizations prioritizing communication will undoubtedly benefit from a more cohesive and successful team.

Team Culture Statistics

Team culture is the invisible force that shapes the behavior and attitudes of a group. A positive team culture can inspire collaboration, innovation, and job satisfaction, while a toxic culture can lead to dysfunction and disengagement.

  • Leaders prioritize 'morale' and 'communication' as more crucial qualities of an effective team than 'talent'.8
  • Following participation in team building activities, 63% of leaders observed an improvement in team communication, while 61% noted an enhancement in team morale.8
  • Over the past year, 44% of leaders have identified retention as a challenge.8
  • Approximately 31% of teams do not allocate resources to invest in team-building activities.8
  • A majority of companies, 80%, do not engage in team building every month; only 20% of companies engage in monthly or more frequent team building.8
  • More than half (55%) of leaders believe that increased investment in team building would enhance team culture.8
  • For 68% of team leaders, "building a great team culture" ranks among their top three priorities, with 27% considering it their number one priority.8
  • A significant 73% of employees express the desire for their company to increase its investment in team building.8
  • The morale of 44% of employees is categorized as "okay," "poor," or "very poor".8
  • In companies allocating less than $25 per month per person to team building, 58% of employees rate morale as "okay," "poor," or "very poor." In contrast, in companies investing more than $25 per month per person, only 25% of employees rate morale as "okay," "poor," or "very poor".8
Surprisingly, only 20% of companies prioritize monthly team-building activities.8 The vast majority, a staggering 80%, overlook this crucial aspect of fostering a collaborative and dynamic work environment.8 This gap highlights a significant opportunity for organizations to enhance team cohesion and productivity through more frequent and engaging team-building initiatives.
  • Almost a quarter (24%) of small businesses don't measure employee satisfaction​​.9
  • 37% of employees report that working with a great team is their primary motivator​​.9
  • Over half (52%) of employees have left or strongly considered leaving a job due to a lack of a strong sense of belonging to a community​​.9
  • Over half of employees (54%) have stayed at a job longer than their best interest due to a strong sense of belonging and community​​.9
  • Over two-thirds (66%) of small businesses celebrate birthdays, holidays, or other important milestones together​​.9
  • 83% of employees agree they know their coworkers well and feel personally connected to them​​.9
  • 80% of employees feel they and their coworkers are aligned around a common mission that motivates them​​.9
  • 91% of HR/business owners believe their employees feel they can be part of solving problems at work, and 84% of employees feel they can be a part of solving it​​.9
  • Nearly all small business employers and employees believe fostering a sense of community is important to the success of their business​​.9
Company Culture Importance in Remote Work
  • Just 30% of American employees strongly believe that their input holds significance in the workplace. Raising this percentage to 60% could result in a 27% decrease in employee turnover, a 40% drop in safety-related incidents, and a 12% boost in productivity.10
  • Teams that prioritize psychological safety tend to excel in incorporating a wide range of ideas and achieving superior performance.10
  • Approximately 87% of employees have expressed that their managers influence the work team environment.11
  • Only 23% of leaders confess to being entirely ineffective in leading virtual teams.12
  • Teams displaying a strong sense of engagement generate an additional 18% in sales.13
  • Highly engaged teams show a 23% increase in profitability.13
  • Teams marked by high engagement witness a 43% decrease in turnover.13
  • A 14% increase in productivity was observed in highly engaged teams.13

The statistics surrounding team culture underscore its significance in determining a team's success. A healthy team culture fosters trust, cohesion, and a shared sense of purpose, improving performance and employee retention.

Team Meeting Statistics

Team meetings are the heartbeat of collaboration within any organization. They serve as a crucial forum where ideas are born, strategies are crafted, and progress is tracked.

  • Over the past 12 months, 81% of respondents have increased their efforts in organizing in-person events.19
  • Locating a venue close to the office is the top priority when selecting an event location, according to 33% of respondents.19
  • Key priorities in event planning include staying within budget (62%), arranging enjoyable activities (49%), and ensuring a strong turnout (37%).19
  • Managing last-minute changes poses the greatest challenge in event planning, as indicated by 37% of respondents.19
  • Monthly team get-togethers are the norm for most companies.19
  • Team lunches or dinners are the favored choice for nearly 70% of respondents, with approximately 60% planning seasonal gatherings.19
  • Additional popular event options include team-building activities (50%), after-work socials (46%), and workshops (44%).19
Team building events are more than just corporate fun; they're the secret to creating a vibrant, collaborative workplace. These events are a boost for team spirit, morale, and job satisfaction. It's where bonds are forged, and collaboration gets a major upgrade, making every workday more enjoyable and productive.
  • The majority of companies make their business travel bookings on leisure travel websites.19
  • A total of 55% of businesses report that they do not receive special group discounts for their travel.19
  • Selecting an intriguing location is a priority for 13% of respondents.19
  • Facing challenges, such as finding suitable dates for everyone (34%) and securing an appropriate venue or location (22%), is common.19
  • Team building events play a vital role in fostering a positive work environment, enhancing team collaboration, boosting employee morale, and increasing job satisfaction.19
  • Non-financial recognition accounts for up to 55% of employee engagement.19
  • In comparison to virtual meetings, face-to-face interactions more effectively foster a shared culture and values.19
  • Highly engaged business units experience significantly lower absenteeism rates (81% lower) and enjoy higher productivity (14% higher).19
The Most Popular Team Meeting Planning
  • Unnecessary meetings cost U.S. businesses a collective $37 billion annually.20
  • A minimum of 30% of workers feel that their ideas are dismissed too quickly during meetings.20
  • Meeting agendas are actively utilized in just 37% of workplace meetings.20
  • On average, CEOs have approximately 37 meetings each week, which accounts for 72% of their time.20
  • Between two to five hours of their workday are spent on meetings and calls for 35% of employees.20
  • Typically, the majority of employees (54%) allocate more than 30 minutes to each of their meetings.20
  • The number of meetings attended overwhelms 45% of surveyed employees.20
  • During work meetings, 39% of surveyed employees have fallen asleep.20
  • Daydreaming during work meetings is a habit for at least 91% of employees.20

Team meetings play a pivotal role in the functioning of organizations, and the statistics surrounding them offer valuable insights into their effectiveness. As we've seen, optimizing meetings' frequency, format, and purpose can lead to increased productivity, enhanced collaboration, and better decision-making.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is team building, and why is it important?

Team building is a process that helps a group of individuals come together, work collaboratively, and achieve common goals. It's important because it fosters better communication, boosts morale, enhances productivity, and leads to increased team innovation.

Q2. What are some common team-building activities?

Common team-building activities include icebreakers, trust-building exercises, problem-solving games, outdoor adventures, and workshops. These activities are designed to improve teamwork, communication, and trust among team members.

Q3. How do you choose the right team-building activity for your team?

The choice of team-building activity should depend on your team's specific needs and goals. Consider factors like team size, budget, physical abilities, and the current level of team cohesion. Consulting with your team members can also help in making the right choice.

Q4. What are the benefits of team building for remote teams?

Team building for remote teams is crucial for building trust and rapport among members who may not meet face-to-face. Benefits include improved virtual communication skills, increased collaboration, and a sense of belonging to the team.

Q5. Can team building be done virtually?

Yes, virtual team building is possible and effective. It involves online activities like virtual escape rooms, online games, video conferencing, and collaborative project work. These activities can help remote teams bond and work better together.

To Conclude

In a world where teamwork and synergy are essential for success, team building is a formidable tool for organizations seeking to unlock their full potential. The statistics presented here vividly illustrate how investing in team building can increase employee satisfaction, improve communication, and enhance business outcomes

As we conclude our exploration of team-building statistics, it is evident that fostering a culture of collaboration and camaraderie is not just a choice but a strategic imperative for any organization aspiring to thrive in today's competitive landscape. So, let these numbers serve as a compelling reminder of the profound impact that strong, cohesive teams can have, and may they inspire you to embark on your journey of team-building success.

HR solutions like flair can help improve collaboration between teams, whether they’re in the same office or geographically dispersed. Our self-service Employee Hub, for example, helps HR professionals, managers, and employees to coordinate shifts and absences, share feedback and praise, and request support. 


  1. CMSWire
  2. Provoke Media
  3. TeamStage
  4. Gallup
  5. Troop Messenger
  6. Visix
  7. Zippia
  8. Team Building Hub
  9. Gusto (Framework Community At Work Survey)
  10. Gallup
  11. SHRM (Global Culture Report)
  12. DDI World
  13. Gallup
  14. Gartner
  15. Buffer
  16. GitLab
  17. GitLab
  18. Forbes
  19. TravelPerk
  20. Zippia
  21. Gallup

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