Shift Planner

Achieve productivity goals and enhance employee well-being with flair's straightforward and effective shift planning tools.

Shift Planning With flair

Shift Planner

Introduction to Shifts
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A shift, or work shift, defines the time period in which employees dedicate themselves to doing their job. There can be many different shift configurations or work patterns within an organization.

flair provides a seamless way to coordinate multiple work patterns and keep everybody on the same page.

With an easy-to-use interface, employees and managers can quickly and efficiently organize schedules, request shifts, and more with flair.

Organizing Shifts as an Employee
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The Employee Hub is where staff and workers can manage their shift schedules. Here it is possible to toggle through past and future shift plans.

Employees can also keep up to date on the work patterns of their colleagues and request vacant shifts. Let’s see how it works:

  • Click the Shifts page on the main menu bar in the Employee Hub
  • Here you can view your personal work schedule through My Shifts. The work calendar of your colleagues is viewable via the All Shifts tab.
  • By clicking on the All Shifts tab, you can also view the schedule of colleagues in different offices or regions
  • Shifts can be seen By Week or in a more detailed By Day viewing option
  • Employees also have the opportunity to use the Shifts planner to request open or vacant work shifts. To do this, simply click on an Open shift in the calendar and select Request Shift.
Request Shift

Shift Planning in Salesforce
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To help companies utilize their staff resources effectively, the flair HR app on Salesforce enables employers and managers to efficiently organize work shifts.

The goal of shift planning should be to successfully rotate staff, maintain workforce well-being, control labor costs, and enhance employee productivity.

Let’s take a look at the basics of the flair shift planning features on Salesforce:

  • Open the flair HR app on Salesforce and navigate to the Attendance tab
  • Click on the Shifts section. Here you can see a handy summary of all company shifts.
  • Clicking on Manage Shifts will bring you into the Shift Planner for all locations
  • The Shift Planner allows users to draft work schedules to fulfill their company’s needs
Shifts Planner
  • To view and manage in a single location mode, select a specific location using the Add Filter tab
  • The Add Filter tab also allows you to select employees based on skills and departments
Shift Planner Specify
  • By exploring the taskbar located at the top of the Shift Planner, you will see that it is possible to scroll through your Calendar, add employees from different locations, and also copy shifts from one week to another
  • Simply click Publish Shifts to complete the planning process and then select Print View if you require a paper copy
Shift Print View
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